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Epiphany; a moment of sudden and great revelation.

C H A P T E R   T W O

His statement caught me off guard and quite frankly annoyed me. I did not waste a moment to rebuke him.

"Good to know your optic nerves are functional," I scoffed.

"You do not wanna mess with me, precious." There was no lack of seriousness in his tone.

Huh, wow! Appearances can certainly be deceiving.

"Oh, let me guess, because ..."

I was cut off by a lively and loud presence "Heyyy Sydney, you will never guess what.....ohh hi Noah!" that told me he was one of the few people she knew.

"Oh hey Scar, I had no idea you were into chics," the annoyingly handsome smirk made it's way right back onto his face.

"Stop being such an asshole, Noah," she went on without giving him a chance to reply, "Sydney, this noob right here is my cousin. Noah, this is Sydney, my roommate," she finished the introduction.

Wow, the fact that both of them were related hit me like a goddamn wave. I mean, genetically, it was quite evident, but behaviour wise, oh boy.

"Whatever, I could not care less that she is your roommate." He shrugged, ignoring my existence all this while and simply setting his gaze on his cousin. And I couldn't care more that he was her cousin because he was going to be around all the time. Ugh.

Even though he was presumptuous, I couldn't help but notice how raspy and deep his voice sounded. The same voice that resided in my thoughts pulled me out of it. "So, anyway Scar, I just came by to remind you about the bonfire tonight."

"Oh yeah, that completely went out of my mind. Yeah, of course, see you at seven".

"Alright, cool."

"You in the back, stay out of my way," he glared at me like I had stolen his food or something.

After the loud bang of the door announced his departure from our room, Scarlett sighed, "I am sorry about Noah, he can be a little difficult to deal with, but he is not a bad person. You will understand once you get to know him."

"Oh, it's okay. Don't worry; I am not planning on getting to know him." I scrunched up my eyebrows and raised my hands in surrender.

To my surprise, Scar had entirely different thoughts on this. "See that's where you're wrong. You will get to know him. That's kind of how it works around Noah."

"Also now would be the right time to tell you that, you are coming to the bonfire with me Syd. It's this thing they organize every year a night before college officially begins."

"And please don't you take the trouble to come up with some lame excuse because I will not listen to something like, 'I am too tired' or 'I don't feel like it.' You're coming with me. Whether you agree or not. End of story." She ordered passing my coffee to me.

Call it intuition, but I knew we were going to be the best of friends.

I smiled big. "Alright, whatever you say, your highness."

"See, now that's what I like to hear," she voiced and did not hold back on a laugh.

I was not going to hold back on socializing because I was afraid to run into some jerk.

We returned forty-five minutes after Scarlett had successfully shared all of her campus knowledge and made me thorough with it.

She had finished telling me how hot Jordan Jones, Noah's best friend was and we reached our room. I knew Scarlett had a thing for him because her eyes got all dreamy when she uttered his name and she couldn't stop gushing about how handsome he is and how they know each other from high school.

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