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Duende; the mysterious power of art to move a person deeply.

C H A P T E R    T H I R T Y - F O U R 

"What do you think my answer is?" I answered his question with another one because I knew that he'd already made up his mind about what my answer would be.

"I don't think, I know your answer is yes," he said, confidence dripping from his tone.

He was right. 

"Not about the cheating thing, though. I know how much you despise infidelity, and I know you'd never go to someone else before breaking it off with me properly," I told him frankly.

His eyes observed me closely as I spoke. The intense nature of this conversation brought out the change of expression on his face very quickly. "That's just it. I don't think there's going to be anyone else for me, precious," he admitted, and I sighed. He watched as I broke off eye contact and shifted my vision to nothing specific. "I know you think it's too early in the relationship for me to say something like that, but I would never say something like this if I don't entirely mean it. It just feels right. Do you get what I'm talking about?"

He looked at me with eagerness, hoping for me to understand and I nodded. Despite all the silly fears bubbling inside me, I definitely did feel the same way. "I know what you're talking about, Noah. I feel the same way but..." I stopped my sentence in the middle and looked at him.

"But when Winston said I might flip you off because I could get bored of you, it really got to you, didn't it?" he asked me and it was crazy how Noah knew exactly what was going on in my mind. "I saw you flinch when Scar was telling us about this," he said.

I sat up and played with my fingers, embarrassed for having such a petty thought. "Darling, you are beyond boring," Noah said as he got up as well. 

His large hands took hold of my forearms with a gentle grip. "You are, in every way possible, the opposite of boring. You watch Sherlock Holmes to pass the time, you're quicker than me at math, your vocabulary is fuckin' Shakespearean, you know more biology than I could ever learn in a lifetime, you're like Usain Bolt's second cousin when you start running," I chuckled as he kept going on.

"You are so ambitious; it makes me proud, babe, proud. Now stop having such conventional thoughts and get back all the confidence you dumped in the bin so efficiently," he laughed at me softly.

A multitude of tinglings erupted in every part of my body as my mind acknowledge what he had addressed me by. Babe. I bit my tongue lightly and looked at the boy in front of me. I saw as his glimmering emerald green eyes twinkled at me in the intentionally dimly lit room. His eyes clearly reflected the beauty of his soul. The feeling of proudness in his smile reached quickly to his eyes as he fixed his gaze on me. He was so amazing and supportive that my heart halted. 

I tackled him into a hug, utterly inarticulate after his words and the sound of our chuckles soared as we found ourselves in the same position we were a few minutes ago. The noise of his laughter faded away seconds after. "But you know, S, I can't help but feel completely overruled by Winston's words about my character," he said, I detected sadness in his tone.

"What are you talking about?" I sat upright and expected him to do the same but instead, he laid his head on my lap as he continued speaking softly.

"If you think about it, he's actually right. I was an inconsiderate asshole to you ever since the beginning, and I know you hated it when people defended me," he smiled dryly at me.

"That's absurd. Yes, you were a jerk at the start, and yes, I loathed the fact the closest people I had for friends just randomly slid away your rude and snarky comments by giving it the name of a 'bad day.' But I forgot all of that the minute I had a real conversation with you," I entwined my fingers with his. "I realized that I was wrong in judging you and that there was soo much more to you than what meets the eye. And, if you think about it, I did kind of break your phone, so," I shrugged faintly, bumping my fist against his shoulder humorously.

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