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Rose felt broken and upset, her true love has died on the 'ship of dreams', Rose couldn't bare it any longer, she couldn't understand why Jack died, she couldn't get the thought in her head that Jack has officially died.

Rose remembers her promise, and that she will never let go of that promise. She told Jack that she loved him one last time before letting him go, she kissed him hand gently but with enough force that it make an indent in the ice that was covering the back of Jack's hand. She looked around to see if anyone else was alive, but Rose couldn't see anyone, she cried a little bit but Rose told herself that she had to live on for Jack.

She saw a young man, balancing himself on a chair that was floating in the sea, with a whistle in his mouth. So Rose got her strength together and got off the Plank of wood into the calm, eerie and cold water, Rose almost cried in shock from the waters temperature, she had almost forgotten about the water.

Rose swan with such force that it made a lot of splashes around her, she swan towards the man and grabbed the whistle out of him mouth and Rose began to blow it making a high-pitched noise, it made a loud enough noise that the officers noticed, and they headed the boat back around towards Rose and the people around her.

Rose got into the lifeboat along with a few people, she was freezing so badly that her body began to shake tremendously with fear and anger, she was crying because she couldn't see Jack again, she also felt guilty about not being able to save Jack because she knew she could save him but she didn't. She also was angry at her mother for not caring enough about Rose's feeling towards Jack, Ruth thought Jack was rude and poor third class passenger, Ruth only cared about money and looks, nothing else. Rose also wondered where Cal and Ruth were, but she didn't want to look for them because she would still be forced into marrying Cal even though her only true love lies at the bottom the ocean.


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