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After the chaotic filled morning, Rose and Jack were sat together, snuggling up to each other on the sofa, they ended up not eating breakfast, they decided instead to go and eat out, Jack of course offered to pay for his girlfriend because he loved her that much. Jack and Rose were sat together watching a comedy tv show that they found while flicking threw the channels, Rose ended up sleeping by accident on Jack's chest because of how tired she was, Jack didn't mind, he found it quite cute to be honest, he loved the sound of her soft, light snore and the feel of her heartbeat on his chest.

Rose later woke up, she saw that Jack was also laying on the sofa asleep next to her, she found it so cute, she couldn't believe that she had someone like Jack, because in her eyes Jack was perfect and the sweetest person Rose had ever known. Rose didn't want to wake up Jack, so she slowly removed herself from the sofa without making a sound, she decided to head upstairs and have a shower and put on one of Jack's shirts because it was more comfortable than her shirts, as rose headed downstairs after her shower, she had realised that Jack was no longer sat down on the sofa asleep like when she had last seen him. Jack was in the kitchen making his girlfriend, Rose a special lunch that consist of her favourite Caesar salad and her favourite spaghetti, Rose was coming down the stairs with a big smile on her face realising what Jack was making for her, Jack still hadn't realised that Rose was coming down the stairs because he was just singing along to some songs on the radio, she loved when Jack did this because she found it so adorable. She decided to surprise Jack by putting her hands over his eyes and kissing his neck gently, Jack spun Rose around and kissed her beautiful, pink lips and he made his down to her neck and then back to her lips again, Rose was laughing the whole time when Jack did this, she found it so funny when he did this, they broke apart for a breath of air and they both stared in each others hues and smiled then jack kissed Rose again before saying 'Rose I love you so much.' Then Rose said 'I love you too.'



I'm really sorry that I have not updated in a while, I have been really caught up with school and dance, I hope you enjoyed reading this incredibly short chapter, please keep reading and voting because I really am thankful for it, please comment down below some ideas for the next part of this story.

-Blair 🖤➿

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