hope to see you again.

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Rose started to visit Jack less frequently because every time she did visit him, he would just get angry at Rose or just push her away Because he didn't recognise her or even know her. This caused Rose to get upset and she started to get depressed when ever she thought of Jack, or the place that he was staying in, Jack seemed like he was having quite a good time in there because he had lots new friends and even a new girlfriend, he  still drew lots of charcoal pictures, he no longer drew anything about the Titanic because when he lost his memory he couldn't remember that he was on the Titanic. Jack was a very creative and optimistic at his drawing, this made Rose feel left out because she wanted to the only one who was allowed to see those pictures of what Jack has drew. Rose didn't want to be left out by her true love Jack Dawson.

A Couple weeks later...

Rose decided that she would get a box things, this box wasn't any ordinary cardboard box it was a box, filled with pictures of Jack and Rose on the Titanic, and his drawing of the ship that he drew for Rose when she came to visit him. Rose hoped that by bringing these items, it would make Jack get his memory back or maybe make him remember the Titanic or even who Rose was, she wished dearly that he would remember who she was because Rose really missed Jack and she really loved him a lot.

At the building...

Rose arrived at the building the next day with her big cardboard box filled with all of the pictures of Jack and Rose and very special picture of a Titanic ship that Jack drew for Rose. Rose was really hoping that this was going to work because she really wanted him to get his memory back and for him to get out of the building and for him to come and live with her at her apartment.

Rose walked inside of the building and met the woman she talk to you a few weeks ago, the woman's name was Lauren, she told Rose about Jack's incident about his loss of memory that made Rose really upset. She asked Lauren if she could talk to her in the spare room, Lauren said yes and they both walked into the room,Lauren asked Rose what she wanted to speak about Rose said she wanted to speak to speak about Jack, Rose asked Lauren if she could speak to Jack alone by herself with no one else in the room, Lauren as Lauren asked Rose what she wanted to speak about Rose said she wanted to speak to speak about Jack, Rose asked Lauren if she could speak to Jack alone by herself with no one else in the room, Lauren but she will have to ask Jack and if he says yes then Reese can speak to him if he says no then she cannot.

Lauren when into the room 207 and ask to see Jack Jack said yes and she said for him to walk into the spare room because someone had to talk to him, Lauren said to Rose for her to go and speak to him in the spare room she said thank you and she walked off into the room, where is walked into the spare room and saw Jack sat on the floor looking out of the window,Rose felt upset and a bit bad for Jack because he didn't know that he was going to be speaking to her. Walked into the room and said "hi Jack", then he said " hello, I don't know who you are but hi." Rose smiled at his comment and she told him that she wanted to speak to him, Jack nodded and said " what would you like to talk about, miss?" Raise told him that she wanted to show him some things she got her cardboard box and showed him a picture of her and him when they were at the front of the ship, she showed him and he looked a bit confused but he also look to be happy he seem like he remembered it but at the same time he seem like he didn't. He asked Rose what this picture was and why they were both in it and what they were doing, which told Jack that they met on the Titanic on the 14th of April 1912, Jack's face changed,his expression changed, his emotions changed and he seemed like he remembered it he said he told Rose that he remembers it and that he misses her, he smiles at Rose and Rose smiled at Jack, they hugged each other tightly, Rose told Jack that she had to leave but she would see him tomorrow, Rose felt like it was too early to tell him that she loved him because Jack had just remembered the incident and that he had just remembered her, she also didn't want to kiss him because he might not feel the same way about her yet. When she left Jack she told him...

"hope to see you soon again."

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