I love you too.

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Rose was so happy when she read the newspapers about people saving other passengers  lives on the Titanic, she's wondering if Jack was one of the passengers that was brought back to life, she was so happy knowing that Jack could be alive and that he may not be dead.

At the bottom of the newspaper it had an address, also with a picture of what the place looked like, she got in the car and she drove to the exact address, it wasn't too far away from her but it was around a 30 minute drive. When Rose arrived she saw a large, white building with the Titanic ship picture on it, she knew she was at the right place because on the newspaper it had this exact picture on it. On the door it had a large sign that said open on it, she opened the door and she saw a rather small brown desk with a man sat at the front of it, she asked the man if she could see where the people were, he said yes and he pointed to a room to Rose's right, Rose said thank you and she knocked on the door, she was greeted with a polite woman and she said she could come in.

The woman who Rose met at the door asked her why she was here, Rose told her she needed to see someone, the woman said that if she wanted to see people that she would have to apply for a job here or have a visitor card and of course Rose said " yes I will, next time I will, I promise", Rose is was a bit confused because she already had a job she had a lot of money from it but she wanted to see if Jack was really alive and here. She asked the woman if she could look around and of course the woman said yes, Rose walked into the room and the woman left the door slightly open just in case the other passengers wanted Ed to go and get something to drink  but some passengers were still quite ill so they would need assistance,  Rose looked around to see if she could see Jack anyway, she saw a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes sat in the corner of the room she smiled at him, she walked over to him and crouched down to where he was sat she asked if he was okay, he nodded and then looked up at Rose's face he smiled a bit but then looked back down, the man didn't realise who she was so he didn't bother to say anything. Rose asked the young man if he was okay again, the man didn't seem okay tears were dripping  from his eyes and he was shaking in fear and sadness, he said to Rose that he really misses his girlfriend, Rose asked him who his girlfriend was and of course the man answered that his girlfriend was named Rose, Rose DeWitt Bukater.

Rose didn't want to seem like an angry person, so she asked the man very politely what his name was, the man answered he said that his name was Jack, Jack Dawson. Rose was trembling, she was so happy, it was really Jack. She looked at Jack, tears started to form slowly in her eyes, she called out Jack's name with a very calm and slow voice because she didn't want to scare him, she said "Jack?", Jack noticed straight away who's voice it was, he looked up to see her with tears dripping from her cheeks, he smiled so wide, he hugged her and they both said at the same time, "I missed you." They both laughed and Rose sat in Jack's lap for a bit before telling him that she loved him, after she said that she smiled from ear to ear and looked at Jack, Jack looked at Rose and said...

"I love you too."


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