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Rose couldn't believe that Jack had forgotten his memory, she missed his laugh, his eyes and his beautiful compliments and his voice. She loved him and he didn't love her back, she remembered the day they first met, on the back bit of the titanic, Rose remembers that day clear as the sunset on the day they both stood at the front of the ship, when they first kissed each other. She missed Jack so much, so much indeed that she prayed everyday for him to remember what happened between the two fateful lovers, she couldn't believe it, that one day that she didn't visit him was the day he forgot his memory.

Rose blamed herself for Jack's loss of memory but Laura always told her that is wasn't her fault, she kept trying to help Rose recover but, she couldn't,she felt upset and overwhelmed with feelings she shouldn't be feeling because it was her fault that he had lost his memory. The only reason Rose said it was her fault was because on that awful day, Rose had a lot of paper work and a lot of photo shoots on that Wednesday afternoon, so she didn't have anytime to visit him, she begged and begged her boss to let her go and see him for a bit, but her boss said no over and over again, she also said that if she asked again, Rose would be kicked off the team of picture models. While Rose was forced to finish doing her work, she kept thinking about Jack, she felt like something bad could happen because she wasn't there but she kept on working because she didn't want to get fired, but sadly something bad did end up happening to Jack while she wasn't there at the hospital jack stayed in.

Whenever someone tried helping Rose, she would just push them away or tell them that she was fine when she truly wasn't, she just wanted Jack to be by her side every step of the way, but Rose deep down, she knew that she couldn't rely on Jack for her future, or what choices to make, she needed to be confident in herself, and what choices she made, Rose needed to learn to be independent and thoughtful with her actions and choices, even if Jack wasn't with her or near her, she knew that he was always watching over her, smiling and clapping at how far she had come without him.




Before you all get confused as to why I have published this chapter, i published this chapter because it didn't really make sense, it didn't have much detail in between where Jack lost his memory and where he got it back.

If you are wondering this chapter isn't the next part, this is just to make the story fit/make sense.

Thank you guys so much for reading and voting on my Titanic story...

Love you guys 💋💋

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