Please,come back, i need you now

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When Rose was rescued they had to wait 3 hours until the Carpathia came to save hen all from the most terrific experience of everyone's life's. Rose's we felt lucky to be alive, but Rose still felt guilty about not being able to save Jack, Rose still cried on the Carpathia because she missed Jack. Rose felt like she needed Jack to save her from all of her despair and her misery, she felt like without Jack, a piece of her heart was missing.

A middle aged man approached Rose while she was on the Carpathia, he asked her for her name, Rose answered with "Dawson.., Rose Dawson." Rose felt like she was already married to Jack even though she only had just met him days before. Rose didn't know how to live on after Jack's death, she felt heartbroken and empty inside...

After when they arrive in New York, Rose didn't know what to do because she didn't know where Cal or her mother were at, the thing is that Rose didn't need them, she just needed Jack's spirit to always guide through her life because she believed that Jack's heart will go on. She needed Jack's comfort right now, but all that she could pray was that Jack was okay in heaven and that he was looking down on her to protect from any evil in world.

The next day, the newspapers were filled with news about the Titanic, and it sinking, she felt upset reading them and she felt terrified when she read it because she couldn't look at a picture of the Titanic without it reminding her of Jack. Jack was a charming, handsome young man, she was just so happy when she was with him, she felt happy.

On April 16th 1912, Rose bought a small apartment near a beach because she liked the water view, it reminded her of Jack, in happy way. She didn't have a lot of money on her but the woman working for the company, let rose stay for 5 months until she found a nice house and a good job for herself. Rose didn't have many items of clothing she only had the flowy, pastel pink,blue and purple dress that she wore on the night on the sinking. She loved that Dress because it reminded her of so much, it reminded her of when she was in the car with Jack,running away from Lovejoy and saving Jack . She loved that dress, every night she would look at it and cry, happy and sad tears because when she looked at it she thought of Jack, it made her so happy but very sad at the same time. When she looked at the dress she would say...

"Please, come back, i need you now."


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