A way away...

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A couple of weeks later, Rose begin adjust to her new living style in New York, Rose still cried every day because she missed Jack so much, she missed his blue eyes, and his blond hair, she missed the way he treated her and the way he made her feel. Jack made Rose feel happy, but she knew that Jack wanted her to move on with her life, and live on for Jack, She felt sad knowing that she will never ever see Jack again, but she hoped one day in heaven they would both meet again.

Rose had a job as a picture model for a company named blue skies,she earned a lot of money for it, she actually earned enough money to buy herself her own apartment. Rose wasn't that rich, but she enjoyed her life and when she talked to Jack on the Titanic she said that her hands were made to work, or be a performer or a picture model even, so she thought that Jack would look down at Rose from heaven and he would be smiling because of how proud he was of her.

Rose saw a lot of scary news about the Titanic on the newspaper, it scared Rose because she didn't realise how many people actually died on that terrifying night, on the newspaper they said that they were able to save a few people's lives, Rose was shocked and excited because she was wondering if Jack was one of the people that they saved.
But she didn't know where Jack was because he was...

"A way away"


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