Chapter Eleven

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Betty Hopper

January 8, 1985

It was colder than normal in Hawkins, the new year had been as anticlimactic as it was every year. Dad had finally let me meet Jane, she moved in with us before Christmas. I decided to share my room with her, we each got half the room and half the bed. She was very nice, it wasn't too long before we felt like real sisters. I had not spoken to Billy since the night at the motel. I would see him wandering around town or speeding down the road, he tried to talk to me a few times but I wouldn't let him get close. I spent most of the break at home since Dad assigned Callahan to follow me everywhere. Today was the first day Dad decided to let me out on my own. I decided to head down to the Natatorium, despite the cold I was ready for a swim. I put my swimsuit in my bag and headed for the front door of the house.

"Are you sure you want to go? It's pretty cold," Dad said from the couch, where he and Jane were watching TV.

"I need to get out of the house, and the lake is too cold," I said and he nodded.

"I love you." He called with a smile.

"I love you too Dad. Bye Jane!" I said and she waved before I walked out the front door and into the cold. I pedaled my bike as fast as I could to the Natatorium, hoping that the movement would warm me up. I reached my destination and I rode around to the back door. I walked my bike through the door and found no one inside. I walked into the locker room and started to change into my swimsuit. As soon as I had finished changing I heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned around to see none other than Billy Hargrove standing in front of the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he didn't move.

"I came to see you." He said.

"See me change? Is that all you wanted?" I asked in disbelief.

"I came to make things right Betty. I miss you." He said as he started walking toward me.

"I don't want to talk about this Billy. You need to leave." I said as I turned away from him, but he walked up behind me.

"What happened that night? What happened to us?" He asked and I turned to face him.

"What happened was I realized what an idiot I had been running around with you," I said.

"You don't know what you are saying Betty," He started but I cut him off.

"I gave you everything Billy, and you couldn’t give me three words," I said and tears started to cloud my vision.

"I'm sorry Betty, I want you back," He said as he reached to take my hand but I pulled back.

"I can't do it, Billy. How can I trust you?" I asked and he looked away. I grabbed his open hand and held it around my throat.

"Billy, you can do whatever the heck you want with me. Choke me for all I care! We can walk out of here right now together and things will go back to normal. But first, I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me." I said, fighting back tears.

"What do you want me to tell you?" He asked, our eyes met and I could see he was fighting back tears as well.

"Tell me you love me, Billy Hargrove!" I said as I choked on tears. I kept my eyes focused on his. He stayed silent, then looked away as he retracted his arm.

"You need to leave," I said, turning away from him. I faced the wall as I heard his footsteps leave the room and the door close behind him. As tears streamed down my cheeks, my legs gave out and I fell to the floor.


I sat next to Jane on our bed, I was brushing my hair and she was reading a book.

"Why did you give him a chance?" She asked suddenly and I froze.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked and I turned to face her.

"Billy, today at the pool. Why did you give him a chance?" She asked and I looked to make sure the door was closed.

"Were you watching me? Did you tell Dad?" I asked concerned and she shook her head. I took a deep breath.

"I don't know, I guess I was hoping he had changed," I said, looking at Jane.

"Would Mike do that to me?" She asked.

"Never, Mike loves you. Mike is different than Billy. Mike is a good person, I've known him for a long time." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I think Billy loves you, he just doesn't want to admit it." She said.

"What makes you say that?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I find him sometimes. He still has a photo of you and he always keeps it with him." She said and I felt tears start to form. Maybe he had changed.

"Well, I'm done with Billy. I gave him a chance." I said and Jane nodded. We went back to our previous tasks.

"Jane? What is he doing now?" I asked, after sitting in silence for a while. She closed her eyes and I saw a small drop of blood start to slide out of her nostril.

"He's at home, asleep in bed. He's got your picture on the nightstand." She said before opening her eyes and I gave her a shy smile.

"Thanks, Jane," I said and she smiled.

"Girls! Time for bed." Dad called from the other room and I quickly handed Jane a tissue to wipe the blood away with. She threw away the tissue just before Dad opened the bedroom door and walked in.

"Everything ok in here?" He asked and we both nodded.

"What are you two up to?" He asked suspiciously.

"Just talking about girl things," I said, looking at Jane then at Dad. He looked at both of us then smiled.

"Well, it's time for bed. No more spying on Mike." He said, looking at Jane, who then started laughing. Dad came and kissed us both on the forehead the turned off the light before closing the door.

"You should give him another chance," I heard Jane say softly before falling asleep. I stared up at the dark ceiling, wondering if she was right.

Omg the book is #2 in #strangerthings and I am pumped!!
Thank you all for the support, i'll try to update more often since apparently people are reading lol.

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