Chapter Twenty Three

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Jim Hopper

March 29, 1985

Nearly two months had passed, each day seemed longer than the last. I eventually had to return to work, Jane or someone stayed with Betty when me or Billy was gone. The medical supplies we had taken from the lab were beginning to run out. She couldn't last much longer on the IV anyway. She was pale, she had gained weight but nothing unhealthy. She always was a skinny thing, couldn't get meat on her bones if she tried, that's why it concerned me more than anyone else. I knew Betty, I had been her father for six years and my gut told me something was wrong. I flipped through my address book at the station, trying to find the number for any doctors or nurses I could trust. One name caught my eye and I quickly picked up the receiver to my office phone. 

"Can you get me Diane over at Greenwood Community Hospital?" I asked the operator and waited for Diane to answer. 

"Diane speaking," I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her voice. 

"It's Jim," I said and waited anxiously for her response. 

"It's awful early in the morning to be drinking Jim," she replied. 

"I'm not drunk Diane, I need a favor," I said and I heard her scoff. 

"A favor? I only get a call from you when you're blacked out and you call me at work for a favor?" She asked, clearly upset. 

"Diane I know you have no reason to help me, but my daughter is sick," I said and there was a moment of silence. 

"Jim I swear to god if you're trying to pull something," she started but I cut her off. 

"I'm not talking about Sarah. After you left I adopted a young girl, she's been living with me ever since but now she's sick and I don't trust anyone but you to help her," I begged but I couldn't tell what she was thinking. 

"So after Sarah died you just tried to replace her?" She asked.

"Of course not. No one could ever replace Sarah or you, Diane, but I was alone. I wasn't taking care of myself because I had failed as a father and a husband. I adopted to give the girl a home and to help heal myself, not to replace anyone," I said and the line was silent. 

"Why can't you find another nurse, why me Jim? Why now?" She asked and I sighed. 

"I don't know how to explain it, the summary is something bad happened to her and I'm running out of ways to keep her stable. I can't take this to anyone here and you're the only medical person I trust. Please Diane, if not for me then for this girl," I said and I heard her sigh. 

"What state is she in?" She asked, her tone changing. 

"She's unconscious, has been for about two months. We've kept her on an IV," I said. 

"Jesus, I'll be at the station in a few hours," she said quickly. 

"Thank you," I said softly. 

"Thank me later," she said before hanging up. 


"Just how complicated is this that you've kept this unconscious girl on an IV for two months, in the woods?" Diane asked me as I stopped the car in front of the cabin. 

"Very, the best I can tell you is some scientist decided to jack her up and she's recovering at her own pace," I said and Diane nodded. We got out and rushed into the cabin. 

"Dad!" Jane said as soon as I walked through the door. She and Diane exchanged a confused look before both turning to me. 

"I thought you said she was unconscious?" Diane asked and I shook my head. 

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