Chapter Fifteen

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Thank you all so much for supporting this book. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, I'm going through a lot of stuff right now but I will try to be better about updating.

Billy Hargrove

January 20, 1985

"I'll see you later," I said before giving Betty a kiss.

"Be home for dinner," She said and I grinned.

"I wouldn’t miss it," I said. I gave her one last kiss before walking out of the cabin door and out to my car. I drove down the dirt roads and into downtown Hawkins. I sped down the streets ‘till I reached the local pub. I parked my car around back and I walked in through the back door.

"Billy!" I saw a man walking toward me with a grin.

"Boss," I nodded to him and I shook his hand.

"Having another party?” He asked and I shook my head. “Boss” was the owner of the pub, he was also the only person willing to sell alcohol to the high school kids if persuaded.

“I need a job,” I said and he raised his eyebrow.

“A job here? Wouldn’t you rather work at the Diner or somewhere?” He asked and I shook my head.

“I’ve done you solids in the past, I hoped you would do me one now.” I said and he nodded.

“You 21 yet?” He asked.

“Sure thing,” I replied. Boss knew I was lying but that’s the answer he expected.

“You’re hired! Can you start next week?” He asked.

"I would like to start immediately," I said and he gave me a look.

"What's the rush?" He asked, a bit suspicious.

"I've got a girl, if I don't start now she'll suck me dry." I said and he laughed.

"Well then, we better get you started! I know you already know your way around the bar." He said as I followed him to the front. Boss made me a bar tender, knowing that I knew my way around a bar.  The pay was enough to get by and the hours were flexible. It was a good job, enough to provide for Betty. I spent most of Sunday afternoon tapping beers for the farmers who came into town on Sundays to get away from their families. None of the locals complained about my age as long as I kept their glasses full. It was almost 5:00 PM, I got off work at 6:00 PM. Business had slowed, as most people were home with their families. I heard the bell above the door ring, signalling someone had come in.

"What can I..." I started, but stopped when I saw who had walked in. Chief Jim Hopper stood on the other side of the bar.

"Where is she?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Somewhere safe." I said and he laughed.

"Safe? With you?" He laughed even harder.

"You really think that because she ran away with you in the middle of the night and you got a job that she is safe?" He asked.

"She left with me because of you!" I raised my voice, blood boiling.

"Me? Why would she have left because of me?" He asked, slamming his fists on the bar. I stayed quiet for a moment, he must not remember.

"What happened on Friday night?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I tell you..." He started but I cut him off.

"What happened?!?" I shouted, surprising him. He took a sharp breath before answering.

"All I remember was dropping off Jane at the Wheeler's, going out for drinks, then waking up at the house Saturday morning with Betty gone." He said and I took a deep breath. I didn't know whether to tell him the truth or not.

"Where is she?" Jim asked again.

"Like I said, she's safe." I answered and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"You listen to me, Billy Hargrove. You will bring Betty home, or else I will track you both down and have you arrested for kidnapping." He threatened while leaning over the bar.

"Betty left on her free will! You can't charge me for kidnapping." I spit back.

"She deserves better than you, she deserves more then you can offer her while working at a bar!" He yelled and I couldn't hold my tongue anymore.

"So she deserves to be at home with an alcoholic father who hits her?" I yelled back and Hopper got silent.

"What you don't remember about Friday is that I went to your house to make things right with her. You showed up drunk, kicked me out, and started hitting Betty. You might have killed her if I hadn't run back in and pulled her out. The only reason I didn't kill you then was because she wouldn't let me. I am taking care of Betty and I will continue to take care of Betty. I'm not bringing her home, if she wants to see you then she can decide that, but I wouldn't try to reach out if I were you." I said, unable to stop the words from coming out. Hopper stood wide eyed, before he slowly sat down on a bar stool.

Hopper sat in silence, as if part of him had died. I grabbed a glass and filled it with beer before setting it down in front of him.

"On the house," I said before taking off my apron and starting to walk away.

"Tell her I'm sorry." He said and I stopped.

"I'll wait 'till she's ready to hear it from you." I said as I turned around to face him.

"Take care of my girl," He said, surrendering.

"I will," I nodded before walking to the back of the bar and out the back door. I got into my car and started to drive home. I wasn't worried about Hopper following me home, it wasn't time. As I drove down the dirt roads I knew I couldn't tell Betty about my talk with Hopper. I pulled into the makeshift driveway and got out of the car.

"Betty?" I called as I walked inside the cabin and I looked around to see the cabin had been cleaned. I walked into the bedroom and saw that three of the four walls had been pained black. I saw Betty standing on a step ladder painting the fourth wall. I walked up behind her and quickly wrapped my arms around her waist. She let out a scream before turning around and realizing it was me.

"Don't do that!" She said as she hit me softly. Her hair was in a tight ponytail and both her overalls and one of her cheeks had black paint on them.

"I like the paint." I said, gesturing both to the room and her cheek.

"I'm glad." She before kissing me. I lifted her up off the step ladder and tossed her onto the bed before climbing on next to her.

"Did you find a job?" She asked as she laid beside me.

"I did, I'm a bartender now." I said and her smile quickly disappeared.

"Billy, my Dad frequents the bar. They have a drink named after him for heavens sake! What if he sees you?" She asked concerned.

"That's not going to happen. It's a good paying job and we need the money. Everything is going to be fine, I promise." I smiled at her as I ran my fingers through her ponytail. She was about to object again but I stopped her by placing my lips on hers. After a moment she let out a groan and pulled away.

“You make it so hard to argue with you,” she said as she turned away from me.

“That’s only because I do what it takes to win,” I said as I started to roll her back toward me. She quickly jumped off the bed and ran out of the bedroom. I laughed and ran out after her. I chased her around the living room until I could tell she was getting tired. When she started to slow down I grabbed her waist and tossed her onto the couch, gaining a scream from her. I quickly climbed on top of her and stared down into her eyes.

“I love you Billy Hargrove,” she said with a longing in her eyes.

“I love you too Betty Hargrove,” I replied before kissing her. Betty was finally all mine and I intended to keep her safe.

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