Time To Pick

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Our story is at a crossroad.
When I originally wrote this I wrote it with two storylines. Since you all have been so supportive I have decided to let you pick what happens next!!
Below are previews of each of the two storylines. Please comment to vote on which one we go with. Voting will close after one storyline has 20 votes.
Here we go!!

Storyline 1:

When my shift was over I rushed to my bike and started riding to Dad’s house. I decided to take the scenic root, since I hadn’t been down that way since I moved in with Billy. As I biked down the forest road I noticed that the sky suddenly got darker. I looked at my watch and it read 6:15, the sun didn’t go down until 8:30. I suddenly got an uneasy feeling and started to pedal faster. I rode as quickly as I could down the road, passing the now abandoned Hawkins Lab. I heard what sounded like a tree falling and I felt my heart beat faster. I looked up but I couldn’t see the sky, only dark clouds of what looked like smoke. I tried to turn on the headlamp attached to my bike but the bulb flashed before dying. I cursed to myself as I tried to stay on the road but I couldn’t see where I was going. Sounds from the woods kept drawing my attention, before I knew it I had flew off my bike and into the ditch. I quickly brushed the dirt off myself and tried to find my bike. The harder I looked the harder it was to see, the air was thick with a scentless smoke. As I stumbled through the dark I heard twigs snapping in the wood around me. I was tempted to call out but instead I chose to run. I didn’t know which was I was going and I didn’t know who was following me. I heard the sound of someone, or thing, following behind me, pacing me. I was so distracted by what was behind me I forgot to focus on what was in front. I tripped over rock, when I lit the ground I could feel my ankle swelling. I let out a sharp cry as I tried to stand before realizing what I had done. I turned and heard something run at me. I tried to get up again, no success. I couldn’t see anything through the air. The smoke got darker and I felt pain stream through my arm. The last thing I remembered was my scream.

Storyline 2:

It was Friday afternoon and the Diner was unusually empty. I stood behind the counter drying glasses when the bell above the door rang.

"Good afternoon." I said with a smile to the man who had walked in. He was an slim, older man with white hair.

"Good afternoon to you Ms. Hopper," He said as he stood across the counter from me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, a bit in shock.

"I'm an old friend of your fathers." He said with a smile.

"You'll have to forgive me, I don't know your name." I said and he let out a small laugh.

"Of course, my name is Dr. Brenner." He said and I shook his hand. Brenner, I had heard the name before but I couldn't remember where.

"What can I do for you Dr. Brenner?" I asked as I handed him a menu but he pushed it away.

"I'm not here for a meal. I was wondering if your father was around." he said and I hesitated for a moment.

"I haven't seen him in a few week, we've been apart lately." I said and Dr. Brenner nodded.

"I understand. Who are you stating with currently?" He asked.

"Forgive me Doctor, but you ask a lot of questions." I said, now suspicious of his motives.

"I am sorry Ms. Hopper, I am curious by nature. I think I will take a drink after all. I'll have a cherry coke, please," He said and I nodded before turning around to fix the drink. I turned back around to hand him the glass but he was no longer across the counter. A hand suddenly held a white cloth us to my mouth, scaring me so much I dropped the glass.

"Relax Betty," I heard Dr. Brenner say. I heard the coke glass shatter on the diner floor, then I blacked out.

First story to 20 votes wins! Good luck to you all!

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