Chapter Sixteen

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In honor of the new season...

Betty Hopper

February 1, 1985

After several weeks of living alone, Billy and I felt like we had been together all our lives. Billy worked after school everyday at the bar, and I had gotten a job at the Diner. I worked after school everyday, Billy would pick me up at 6:00 PM and we would go home together to have dinner. Billy and I got along as well as we could, but it wasn't easy. Between kids at school and the constant fear of our parents finding us, we spent as much time at home as possible, excluding school and work.

It was Friday afternoon and the Diner was unusually empty. I stood behind the counter drying glasses when the bell above the door rang.

"Good afternoon." I said with a smile to the man who had walked in. He was an slim, older man with white hair.

"Good afternoon to you Ms. Hopper," He said as he stood across the counter from me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, a bit in shock.

"I'm an old friend of your fathers." He said with a smile.

"You'll have to forgive me, I don't know your name." I said and he let out a small laugh.

"Of course, my name is Dr. Brenner." He said and I shook his hand. Brenner, I had heard the name before but I couldn't remember where.

"What can I do for you Dr. Brenner?" I asked as I handed him a menu but he pushed it away.

"I'm not here for a meal. I was wondering if your father was around." he said and I hesitated for a moment.

"I haven't seen him in a few week, we've been apart lately." I said and Dr. Brenner nodded.

"I understand. Who are you stating with currently?" He asked.

"Forgive me Doctor, but you ask a lot of questions." I said, now suspicious of his motives.

"I am sorry Ms. Hopper, I am curious by nature. I think I will take a drink after all. I'll have a cherry coke, please," He said and I nodded before turning around to fix the drink. I turned back around to hand him the glass but he was no longer across the counter. A hand suddenly held a white cloth us to my mouth, scaring me so much I dropped the glass.

"Relax Betty," I heard Dr. Brenner say. I heard the coke glass shatter on the diner floor, then I blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes to reveal a blinding light shining in my eyes. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I looked down to see myself in a hospital robe, strapped into a chair.

"Help!" I screamed, then I heard the sound of a door open. A figure came and stood next to me, I could barely make out who it was.

"Hello again Ms. Hopper," I heard Dr. Brenner's voice say.

"Where am I?" I asked as Dr.Brenner moved the light away from my eyes. I looked around and saw that I was in a white room with only a door, a mirror, and the chair I was strapped in.

"Hawkins Lab, I used to work here before your father ruined everything." He said and I was confused.

"What do my father and me have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Oh my dear child, your father has everything to do with this. Two years ago your father decided to stick his nose into Hawkins Lab, causing us to lose one of our prime test subjects, I believe you know Jane." He said and it started to click. Dr. Brenner was the man Dad had said was behind the disappearance of Will Byers. He was the man Jane had run away from. It all made since.

"Hawkins lab has closed down, there is nothing left. Why are you here?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"Not everything is gone my dear. What neither your father or that Dr. Owens knew was that while Jane had been born with her abilities, we were working on a way to recreate them artificially. Of course once your father stepped in, this resulted in the loss of the lab and the closer of what you know as 'The Upside Down'. But, with your help Betty, we can reopen the gate. Think of all the good that will come of it, you get to help make scientific history!" He said and took it all in.

"You kidnapped me, why would I ever help you?" I spat at him and he frowned.

"I wasn't going to really give you a choice dear." He said before revealing a small syringe.

"In this syringe is the power to give you incredible gifts. Once inside your system, you will have all the abilities that Jane had and more! Once you have been trained, you will help me reopen the gate." He said as he positioned the needle above my wrist.

"No! You can't do this!" I screamed and he paused.

"I'm not the one doing this to you, this is all because of you father, Jim Hopper." He said right before piercing my skin with the needle. I let out a scream before blacking out.

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