5. Do You Know Who I Am?

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Broken - Lindsey Haun ^

Pedo Bear: Well?

Pedo Bear: Do you know me, or not?

I hesitate debating what to do. I look at the time, and see it's almost 12, around the time I like to head to class. Maybe I'll just go to class. Then I can have more time to think about how I want to respond. Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

I get up, and open my locker, putting my phone and lunch back in my backpack and grabbing my binder and pencil case. As I close and re-lock my locker, I hear footsteps coming towards me. I glance up and see Aaron walking down the hall, his eyes on me.

Fear shoots through me, making me avert my gaze, pretending to check if I having everything I need. I know I do, but I don't want Aaron to see me looking at him. It'd be like a mouse challenging a snake. A deer challenging a wolf.

It's dangerous. Too dangerous. I don't want to be hurt even more.

Prey doesn't challenge predator.


Blood flows from my cut arms.

Mom was home early. As soon as I stepped through the door, an empty wine bottle collided with my small frame, with enough force to shatter. She then took one of the broken glass shards and repeatedly dragged is across my arms.

Eventually she got tired of me and went out. Probably going to get more alcohol or search for a one nightstand.

Now, I'm adding to my scars again. Dragging the blade across my thigh again. Broken by Lindsey Haun plays from my phone, and I hum along, tears falling down my face.

As I start to bandage the cuts, I take a deep breath, closing my eyes.

Daydreams of what would happen if I killed myself float through my mind. If I were to bleed out here in the bathtub, Mom would eventually find my dead body. She wouldn't care, and would most likely not do anything. She'd probably think of it as a relief that she doesn't have to the deal with her fag son anymore.

No one would know I was dead... The highschool might call about me missing so many days of school. They might find out then, maybe have a morning announcement about my suicide, then everyone would forget me.

It would be as if I never existed. That wouldn't be too bad. Nobody in life, nobody in death. I could just be erased from the world. But it would be nice if even just one person would miss me. To know that my life wasn't completely worthless.

I wonder if Dad would care. He left me, so I doubt it.

When I'm finished wrapping bandages around my thigh, I follow my normal routine, grabbing my phone and slipping the blade back into the underside of my pillowcase.

Lying on my bed, I wonder what Aaron's up to. I glance at my phone, and decide to see what he's sent. He doesn't know it's me. I still have some time with someone to talk to, even if it is my biggest bully.

Today 12:00pm

Pedo Bear: AH?

Pedo Bear: Hello?

Pedo Bear: Class is starting soon

Pedo Bear: Please answer

Today 1:30pm

Pedo Bear: AH?

Pedo Bear: Why aren't you answering?

Pedo Bear: .°(ಗдಗ。)°.

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