Chapter 5

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Evelyn wakes up in her small bed with the sun shining on her face. She slept as well as could have been hoped in her current situation. She lies on her bed for a long time, simply staring at the ceiling with no desire to get up. At home, she would have gotten up, made herself some tea, maybe taken a walk in the garden then found a good book to curl up with all before the clock in the hall stuck 9. Someone knocks on the door, making her sit up in bed as maid opens the door and enters with a tray of tea for both ladies. She carefully carries the tray up the step and hands Evelyn her teacup, making sure not spill a drop. 

"Thank you," Evelyn says raising the cup to her lips. The girl bobs her head and walks to Henrietta's bed. She hovers by her side, unsure what to do as Henrietta remains fast asleep. She holds the tray and looks around for help. 

"Just place it on the table," Evelyn says sipping her tea and relishing the taste. "She'll have it when she wakes. The girl hesitates but does as requested and places the tray on the side table. She straightens up and curtsies. 

"Breakfast is at half-past nine." She whispers and then scurries out of the room with a wary backward glance. Evelyn notices too late that there is no clock in the room or on the wall. She sips her tea and leans back into her pillows, she looks outside the window and watches the maids in the courtyard hang up sheets and clothes. She places her tea by her book on the table and takes a better look around the room. 

The natural light from the wide window makes the area look bigger and wider than it did last night. She hadn't noticed the patterned rose rugs underneath the beds or the small table with lilies in a golden vase. Henrietta turns in her sleep and curls herself into her duvet. 

 Evelyn reaches for the book on her table and flips it open with one hand, she picks her cup up in the other and begins to read as she drinks her steaming tea. Her brain absorbs the words like a thirsty man drinks water. Every law, by law and loophole, is processed by her mind and she clings to each sentence. Some might find the books of law less than stimulating but to Evelyn, they are more than just an interesting read, they are an escape from reality. A time for her to forget how her brother treats her and how unhappy she feels in her heart. However, reality always creeps back in and this time it is Henrietta's sleepy groan from the mound of covers. 

More time than thought must have passed as a direct sunbeam now shines through the window creating a patch of golden sunlight on the wooden floor. Evelyn places her empty cup on the table along with her closed book. Her feet hit the cold floor and she hops to her luggage and begins to dress as quickly as possible as to avoid being dragged into helping her cousin prepare herself for the day. 

any more appearance assists like last night. Once her hair is in a sensible bun with a few loose tendrils. She leans in front of the mirror and considers her appearance. Her cheeks aren't as rosy as they once were and although her skin is clear and pale, it holds no life, like a pretty china doll. Her grey eyes roam over her neat silvery blonde hair and they rest on the hollow base of her throat. The dress she wears is practical and simple with a small lace trim around the edges. She slips on a pair of white shoes with a small heel and adds only a small pair of pearl earrings to her outfit. 

She leaves her room but stops as she passes her brother's room, she places her ear to the door and listens. She cannot hear anything, she pokes her head around the door and sees a body underneath a blanket which is snoring gently. She shuts the door and continues downstairs to breakfast. She passes no one of the stairs to the ground floor however she spots the maid the served her this morning, disappearing into a room off to the right of the staircase,  with a plate of bacon. Evelyn follows after her and enters the room. It's a small dining room with only a large long table and two cabernets of liquor and cutlery. The table is covered with a long white cotton tablecloth and laid for breakfast. Her aunt is already sitting at the head of the table tucking into a full English breakfast. 

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