Chapter 18

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At 11:30 the next day Evelyn is getting ready in her room when Henrietta storms in. She throws herself into a chair and sulks. Evelyn places a black ruby around her throat and shifts her grey cloak to cover the shine of her dress. 

"There are no balls!" Her cousin pouts, "People are going silly over this murder now." 

"We have been to many parties over the last week," Evelyn says confused, adding matching earrings. 

"They were close family and friend meetings, not real balls." Henrietta rolls her eyes. "I want a stupendous ball with handsome strangers and available lords." 

"But I thought you were terrified about being murdered?" Evelyn sits on her bed and places a pair of black heels onto her feet. 

"I still am, o surely I should enjoy my time before that duke strikes  again?" Henrietta wraps a curl around her finger and broods. 

"Your logic is irrefutable," Evelyn says dryly. Henrietta turns to properly face her. 

"Where are you sneaking off to this time? With your hair like that?" 

"Charity event." Evelyn lies, touching the more than elaborate updo. 

"If I didn't know better I would say you have a secret lover." Henrietta giggles. "But I know better." She says to press her point. 

"Do you have any plans?" Evelyn asks, passing the attention back. 

"I am meeting Fredrick." Henrietta sighs contentedly. 

"Again?" Evelyn raises one eyebrow. "Aunt told me he's been regularly visiting you." 

"He's taking me to the park for a carriage ride." Henrietta grins happily.

The doorbell goes downstairs and she jumps to her feet. "In fact, that will be him." She bounds out of the room without a goodbye. Evelyn watches her go with amusement, it might have something to do with the fact that she only sees Henriette for limited amounts of time or maybe the girl has mellowed out but Evelyn is finding her cousin's attitude to be less of a bother than usual. In front of the mirror, he adjusts the cloak to fully cover her skirt, the dreary old cloak looks odd with her fancy hair and jewellery. She lifts up her hood and thankfully it falls forward far, disguising her face in shadow. Her painted lips are the only colour that can be seen. 

Evelyn leaves the house at 11:55, she only has to wait a few moments before the duke's carriage pulls up and she climbs in. 

"Good Morning," Blackmoore says, per her request yesterday he is dressed in a dark suit with gold button and embellishment, he has swapped out his usual hat for one that has a thin gold rim and is made of a dark velvet that matches his scarf. He looks the height of privileged rich lord. His eyes rake over her cloak. 

"I dressed as you requested and you appear in such horrid cloak." He says looking bemused. 

"It's necessary." She replies, not lowering her hood. 

He uses his cane to lift one of the corners and a sparkle of black is revealed. She knocks the cane away with her hand. He smiles, intrigued but doesn't push the matter. 

"I was going to presume we are going to Lord Mathew's house but I feel as though you know more than I do." He says gracefully. 

"He will be at George Hill's house," Evelyn says, straighten the corner. 

"Then that is where we shall go." Blackmoore bangs on the roof and barks the address. The carriage pulls away from Kingston Street and heads towards their first suspect. The carriage stops in front of a white marble house identical to the ones around it. 

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