Chapter 12

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Evelyn sets off from the house with a thick grey cloak wrapped around her shoulders and a matching green bonnet tied around her throat. She thought it would be too risky to take the carriage and decided that to brave the three-mile trip to Nathaniel Blackmoore's house on foot. The grey clouds have not settled and they still haunt the sky, concealing any hint of blue. 

Thankfully, the wind has chosen not to make an appearance and Evelyn estimates that she will arrive at his estate within an hour.  As she walks down the busy London streets, every few meters she spots something that she remembers or recognises and a sense of longing washes over her until she reminds herself of the reason she is walking down the streets of her past. 

Around ten she has made her way to the outskirts of town to where most of the rich socialites have estates. The country lanes make for a beautiful sight. The smell of grass makes her think of home and her father. She almost smiles, almost. She stops in front of a high black wrought iron gate. A sign on the sandy walls that bend around the estate, reads, Colebeck Manor. 

She pushes open one of the gates and slips through, she is amazed that the garden in front of her is filled with brightly coloured flowers, growing wild. Her eyes widen as she walks down the gravel driveway, the plants all around are twisting and entwining in each other. There is no care in this mess of a garden. Her eyes flick from the atrocious state of the rose bushes to the house itself. The house appears to be split into three wings. The two side wings are identical and the middle wing is the largest with the wide front door up rounded sand coloured steps. She walks under an arch of ivy where the drive splits into a courtyard and heads around the right side of the tree in the middle. The windows in the house are not shielded by curtains however Evelyn cannot see any activity or movement from inside. 

She hurries up the steps and pulls on the heavy chain that dangles from the large bell. It clangs loudly. She quickly smoothes her dress and pats any flyaway hairs. She waits for a minute or so but no one comes to the door. She pulls the chain again and waits. The door remains shut. She walks down the stairs and across to the nearest window, she peaks inside. The room she is looking into is a parlour, it has numerous chairs and a fire that is roaring invitingly. 

She frowns and walks back to the door, she tries the bell again, this time pulling more firmly and for longer. She taps her foot, waiting. She is about to give up when the door opens and a small man, who looks like he is over 60 peers at her from behind a pair of tiny circular glasses. 

"Hello," Evelyn says brightly. He looks her up and down before replying.

"How can I help you miss?" He asks, his voice is gravely and he speaks rather haughtily. 

"I'd like to see Duke Blackmoore." She replies with a pleasant look. His white eyebrows shoot up and his eyes narrow into small black dots. 

"He's not here I am afraid." He says slowly. 

"Where is he?" She questions, conscious that this man is lying to her. 

"Gone out." He says firmly. 

"Are you sure?" She says, looking around him. 

"Quite." The man moves to close the door. Evelyn throws her hand to stop him, he gasps and glares at her. 

"Are you sure he's not in his room, drunk, stinking of whiskey and sweat?" She asks sweetly, her patience having been pushed too far. 

The man lets go of the door, he glowers at her and her determined expression. 

"I simply want to help him." She says dropping her arm. 

"How could a girl like you help him?" He asks, the sneer in his words makes her bristle. 

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