Chapter 22

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Evelyn's dreams are haunted by the twisted faces of her family and the cruel words that have passed between them. Juliet lightly shakes her awake at five, concern written all over the maids face. However, Evelyn's attention falls directly onto the large ribbon tied box that sits on the side table. She stretches and swings her legs off the bed. 

"Is that it?" She asks, running a hand over the expensive red ribbon. 

"Everything as per your request," Juliet says unsure, "I had to guess on a few things...." 

"Thank you." Evelyn interrupts, "I am sure it'll be perfect." 

Juliet looks at her mistress's poker face, the lack of emotion is unnerving her. 

"Are you feeling alright miss? Can I get you something tea perhaps?" She asks. 

"Quite well thank you," Evelyn replies, picking up the box and placing it on her bed. "Tea would be perfect and I will need you to do my hair in an hour." 

"Very good." Juliet recognises her dismissal and leaves with a last concerned glance. Evelyn unties the red ribbon on the box and lifts the lid. She unfolds the protective layer of paper to reveal an array of glittering jewels sewn onto a lace-trimmed corset. She lifts out the spectacular corset and lets the heavy skirt flow free.

"Perfect." She murmers.

An hour and a half later Evelyn puts down her cousin's powder and stares at her reflection, she has applied a light layer of rouge to her cheeks and lined her eyes with black. Her lips have been painted cherry red and stand out against her pale skin. Although the makeup is heavier than normal it still looks natural and effortless. Her silvery blonde hair has been pinned in curls that have been twisted into a large bun on the top of her head while the rest hangs down in thick ringlets and splits down the two sides of her neck. A hairband made of gold in the shape of ivy has been pinned in front of the bun, like a small tiara. 

She gets up from the vanity table to stand in front of the mirror. She braces herself against the frame and Juliet begins to pull on the ties of the new dress, she pulls them tighter and tighter until Evelyn can almost breathe before they are neatly tied in a bow. 

Evelyn straightens up and gazes at the sparkling woman in front of her. The entire dress is made from dark champagne silk that catches all light and plays with it in glowing reflections. The neckline of the dress is square but draws your attention to the elegant line of her neck. Gold flowers cover the corset in sparkling swirls and the end of the sleeves appear to be dripping in gold diamonds. The skirt blooms out at the waist in a mass of shiny material edged with the same gold flowers as the corset. 

"Thank you, Juliet," Evelyn says, slightly twirling to see the skirt glide smoothly with her. 

"You look like something out of a book," Juliet says in awe. Evelyn lets a small smile come to her face at that comment as she has to agree. She looks like something out of a Shakespeare creation, a mysterious creature drenched in gold, a fairy to enchant, a queen to rule, a woman to seduce. 

Juliet passes her a tiny pair of diamond earrings as her only jewellery. Once she has put them in, she slips on a pair of slippers that cannot be seen under the heavy skirt. A small spray of sweet perfume and Evelyn stands in front of the mirror, ready. She studies every inch of herself, it doesn't look like her, it doesn't feel like her but it is her. She stares at her face, a cold beauty stares back. A smile rises to her lips, for tonight, this dress is her protection, for tonight only. 

"Gold is the colour of everything that will always matter." She murmurs to herself. 

"Your friend is here," Juliet says softly. 

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