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Several hours into the night, Nym managed to finish journalling the damage done to the Android and sat back on her heels slightly, looking it over.

She silently mused how to fix it. Then she reached back and snagged one of the toolboxes on the floor, pulling out two screwdrivers. She leaned forward to look over the Android closer, searching for screws or seams.

Years of putting things together had taught her that almost anything had some method of coming apart.

She found a thin seam dotted with screws along the side and pushed the arm aside, tilting it up into the light. I'm gonna need a flathead. She picked up the appropriate screwdriver and made sure it would fit down the hole. Then she got to work.

Thirty minutes and thirty screws later, she removed the front panel, discovering a diagram and explanation of Android anatomy posted on the inside. A smile crept over her face as she set it aside in the light, scanning the information with her finger. Her eyes flickered between the android and the diagram, assessing the damage. 

"First off, we've gotta fix that nasty dent in your head," she mumbled to the Android as she moved to sit behind its head.

Carefully scooping up the Android's head, she glanced at the schematic. A panel showed opening on the back of the head, leading to the circuit boards that controlled movement, memory, and other essential functions.

Nym felt along the back of the curved surface until she found a small thin crack and dug her nail into it. A soft pop came from inside the androids head and the panel swung open. Nym smiled to herself as she picked the head up higher to see inside.

Even in the dim light, she clearly saw the four circuits the diagram showed. One of them shuddered, teetering dangerously close to falling into her lap. She caught it with her finger and pressed it back into the slot, before expectantly looking at the Android's face.

Nothing. No light, nothing at all.

Nym sighed heavily. "Why can't you just come on already?" she groaned. Ducking her head down, she tried to get another look at the schematic. 

"It's...no...t-the ai-irrr...."

Nym jumped, barely managing to catch the Android's head again as she realized it had emitted the slurred dying words. She forced herself to settle back down, taking a deep breath as her heart pounded in her ears. The circuit boards wavered from the movement, so she pressed her hand against them all to keep them in place. 

"...Hello?" she asked, wondering if it could hear her. Another pause ensued, but this time a response came faster, though it did nothing to clear her confusion.

"Wro-ong...e-err-ror...poison d-de-etect-teddd..."

Nym swallowed hard, the Android's electronic moaning and cryptic mumbling causing her stomach to flip nervously. She heard it start up again and jerked out the circuit that she'd replaced moments before, praying that worked. 

Silence ensued. 

Nym gripped the circuit in her trembling fingers, laying down the Android's head slowly and scooting back a foot as she picked up her journal. She pressed it to her chest, pulling her knees close to her body. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea..." she thought.

The Android didn't seem to want to harm her, but she didn't know what it kept talking about. Could it hurt her? Would it?

She glanced around, noticing how dark the world around her had become. She couldn't see a thing beyond the dim circle of light in the carport. Nym shuddered, aware of the terrifying cold creeping up around her.

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