Journal Entry #10

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Hi, so, my name is Kirsi Brooks. I'm the friend of the author of this journal, Nym Seaver. She gave this to me to keep safe about three months ago before she left to talk to the government and all those important people. I don't really have anything major or important to say...just that I read everything (not like I didn't already know what happened, I lived through this too) and I just wanted to add a little update I guess.

We haven't heard from Nym, nobody has. I even called her parents. That took a lot of explaining. Apparently, they knew they know. They're a little down, but hopeful. They were able to arrange a funeral for their son, though, and the ceremony was beautiful. They managed to make it back to attend, and they haven't gone back to the Farming Community yet. I don't know if they will. I imagine they're worried about their daughter. Probably more worried than I can understand. 

Regardless, we're all pretty hopeful.

I've seen that recently there has been more effort around here. The government agents are still here, but they're in the shelter now. (since it's mostly empty after...yeah, you know) They cleaned up our refill station too and refitted it. It's shiny and new now and I kinda like it. We even got a fresh order of tanks yesterday. They're so pretty...the air even smells clean coming from them.

Sorry, got sidetracked.

Anyway, things around here are getting better. We've had more people from other overpopulated shelters move in now that the air is safe and stuff. I've been making sure to make 02 check it every morning. I know I don't use the refill station, but still.

On a side note about him, he's pretty cool. I feel like I get some weird respect walking around with an android tailing me, but then again, they're not an uncommon sight. Though, there's less of them around now. 02 just follows me and keeps me safe. He scared off a couple of dumb guys the other day. That was funny. 

I got off track again. purpose was just to say that everything is kind of in limbo right now. I dunno what will happen, I don't even know if Nym is safe, alive, convincing the government to take action, or what. Maybe all of this is her, or maybe it's just a setup before they come in and slaughter us.

It's scary not knowing, but it's not as scary as you think. I know Nym. I know that if she's alive, she's doing her best. I have faith in her, and I know that so long as she's out there we have hope.

So yeah. There's hope for us yet.

 There's hope for us yet

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