Journal Entry #5

146 37 19


Kirsi is still asleep. I came up here to get her, but since she's conked out I thought I'd type this out really fast.

General observations are that the android appears to be rather confused. I don't know if it's connected to some kind of mainframe or hive mind that tells it where to go, what to do, who people are, etc. I'm hoping it doesn't run off while I type this. It also appears harmless, but again, I don't know much. I kind of like him, though. He's kind of like a lost animal and I want to help him.

I have lots of questions, though. What was he talking about last night? Why did other androids attack him? How much does he remember?

Hopefully, in talking to him we can get some answers.

Now I need to go get Kirsi up before he gets impatient.

Now I need to go get Kirsi up before he gets impatient

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