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Nym finished her journal entry just as the nurse returned. She quietly put the journal away and shifted to sit up, looking over at the woman. She felt better, though her lungs remained a little tight and sore.

"I spoke with the doctor. For safety and cleanliness reasons the android cannot come in here. However, if you feel well enough, I could call for a wheelchair so you can leave and speak to the android in the waiting room."

"I feel fine," Nym said quickly. "I don't need a wheelchair either. Can I...can I change back into my clothes first, though?" she asked, looking down at the thin hospital gown. She wasn't sure she wanted to walk through the halls feeling this exposed.

"Um, yeah." The nurse brought her a small bag of clothing.

Nym took it from her and saw it wasn't what she'd been wearing earlier, but it was her clothing. They'd probably sent Kirsi to get her a change of clothes. She didn't know if she wanted to know what they'd done with the old stuff.

Once the nurse left the room she slipped up off the bed and headed into the bathroom, slipping out of the hospital gown and into her baggy jeans and grey T-shirt. She donned the socks that were in the bag but didn't find any shoes and decided they could just deal with it.

Folding up the gown, she left it on the hospital bed before leaving the room. Weaving her way around people in the hall she found the waiting room. Though, she would've missed it had if not for the large android standing to the side, staring at the doorway.

"Well, hello there," she said, walking into the room and looking up at 02.

He followed her as she moved to the row of chairs that Kirsi was waiting in, but didn't sit down.

"Hey, you're up! Are they letting you go? Are you better?" Kirsi flitted nervously around Nym for a moment, looking her over and then hugging her.

"I'm alright. I have to stay for a few days so they can watch my condition, but they said I had to come out here to talk to you guys. 02 apparently wasn't exactly made to be in a hospital."

"Oh...That makes sense."

"Yeah, but in a few days, I can go home. I just wanted to come out here and see how you guys were doing. Although, I honestly just wanted to make sure they didn't kick O2 out for being an Android."

"I am present," he said plainly from behind her.

"I can see that," Nym said and smiled some.

He just stared at her. She felt a chill run down her spine and swallowed hard. There was something about his face...or lack thereof. She couldn't place it.

"Well, they haven't tried to take him away or anything. I'd say he's safe with us," Kirsi piped up as she slumped back down into a chair tiredly. She sighed a bit and crossed her arms over her chest.

Nym nodded a little and sat beside her friend. "Hey, have you talked to your parents? I know you said the tanks at the Shelter were poisoned. Do y'all have your own tank?"

"Yeah, we do. I called them an hour ago to tell them where I was. They're actually here. My mom was worried about you. They went to talk to the doctors, though, and I haven't seen them in a while. I figure they're working on paperwork and stuff."

"Okay, I'm glad they're okay."

Kirsi nodded. "Have you...talked to your parents...since?"

Nym looked down, rubbing her arms and shaking her head. She took in a shaky breath at the thought. Her parents deserved to know if they didn't already, especially with the need to plan a funeral soon, but she couldn't bring herself to tell them. She guessed it wouldn't hurt as much if the doctor broke the news...but if he didn't, she couldn't do that to them.

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