Back to Bed

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Back To Bed

------The past of Laura -------

Laura was adopted into the Winchester "family" after she was possessed by a demon in her home town. Sam and Dean took care of her Supernatural problem, and then some. She came with them and learned to be a hunter, strong and brave.

She was already somewhat strong, she took a lot of abuse from her old man. And from her boyfriend. She was brave to keep on, and brave to break away.

And after time, the Winchesters drew the truth from her cold lips, of why she really joined them, and how the "apple life" isn't all it's cracked up to be.

It took Laura a long time to be comfortable in her own body again. Even before hunting her skin was riddled with scars and markings, of hate and anger. She always thought they marked her as weak, unfit for affection, property even. That was until Dean, the oldest Winchester changed that view. Showing her that her scars made her a warrior, strong and proud. That she wasn't owned by anyone. Dean showed her how to love properly.

"If you are going to have a heart, you should be able to use it the right way," he would say.

Laura stayed with the Winchesters through thick and thin. Finding acceptance and care in Sam, someone to read with, someone to laugh and cry with. She found confidence and love in Dean, someone to hold and be held by, someone to joke and be with.

Dean and Laura grew closer and deeper in love, taking the tiniest of gentle footsteps towards each other, until finally Dean coup openly express his affection for her, and she could accept and reciprocate it.

--------present time-------------

Laura at first was a little uncomfortable having the bunker, it was a house home. But she grew to love it, because it had safety and family. She now loved living life in the bunker, and would willingly stay back from hunts to take time to read quietly in the vast library, or explore the many many rooms.

Dean was worried about Laura when they first decided to make the bunker their home. He took extra care to make sure she would be okay here. And it brought him great joy to find her so happy with it now.

Laura and Dean finally shared a room together, just down the hall from Sam. There was a full kitchen, and a real living room. Dean was happy, Sam was happy, and Laura was happy. For a while everything was perfect.

------- present Dean ------------

I was beginning to worry about Laura. She was sacred, and to be honest I was too, but I couldn't let he know that, I had to be strong for her.

She had started receiving phone calls and text messages from her ex boyfriend. I thought for sure, that firstly he wouldn't ever call again, and second, that he wouldn't bother to track her. She has tried to ask him to stop contacting her, but she is still very timid.

She sat at the edge of our bed, wearing one of my 2 sizes too big for her T-shirts and a pair of what she calls boy shorts. In other words, pajamas.

"Why don't you tell him that you are with someone else? Because you are, aren't you?" I asked her gently.

"Of course I am.... But it's just.... I'm afraid if I tell him that he'll come find me, and try to take me back, or hurt me again,"

I came and sat behind her, wrapping my arms carefully around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder. I slipped her cell phone away from her hands. And tossed it on to the beside table opposite her.

"Baby, he's never going to touch you again. Nothing will hurt you Laura, not if I have anything to say about it," I whispered, pressing my lips to her cheek.

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