Chapter 14

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--------------- Sam --------------

In my entire life I had never seen Dean move so quickly. Dropping to his knees and sliding to pull Laura off the ground. He called her name and shook her. Trying desperately to bring her back.

On the other side of the glass, Jeff had too gone unconscious. I didn't know what to do. The demon was gone. The connection was broken... Why isn't she waking up? What's gone wrong?

In my head I prayed to every angel we were on good terms with. Help! Please help! Laura is in trouble! She's dying! Please help us!

Without any sign or warning. Her eyes snap open and screams in fear. Pushing and kicking to get out of Dean's embrace.

"Laura! It's us. You're gonna be okay," Dean says trying to approach her.

She backed herself into a wall, fear and sickness overtaking her facial expression... That's it... That's what's wrong... The demon is gone but the damage is still there. She's still on the chopping block.

Then she says something. I did not expect.

"Get away from me! I don't know you!"

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