Chapter 8

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-------------- Dean --------------

I've dealt with a lot of pain, and a lot of guilt in my miserable life, but this... I can't begin to put this torture into words.

I finally found someone that I could help. I finally did something right. And now...

I can't do anything right. I am such a moron. I knew. I absolutely knew; that Jeff was behind that door. I knew it. And I just... Let her get up, and walk into this living hell.

She could have died. But oh God... Maybe that would have been better for her. Because... Now look at her...

She disappeared one morning. She could walk on her own now. She was becoming more self reliant again, and I thought things were getting better. But they weren't.

Yes, she could walk, bathe and get dressed by herself. But she wasn't talking much. She wasn't eating much. She always seemed to be thinking.

When I found she was missing, I went into a frenzy looking for her. But when I opened the door to one of the empty spare rooms... There she was.

Sitting on the un-sheeted mattress, hands resting on her thighs. She starred expressionless at the bare wall.

"Laura?" I called out shakily. She turned her head, so painfully slow... Looking at me with eyes, no longer full of light and joy.... Now devoid of all feeling. They were empty.

"Yes, Dean?" Her voice low and calm. And completely empty. It frightened me.

"Wh-what are you doing in here, baby?" My voice was unsteady, on the brink of hysteria.

"Just clearing my mind. Thinking," she replied.

"Well... Ugh... We... We didn't know where you were. We got worried,"

"Worried?" She asked.

"Yeah. You just sort of disappeared. We were worried about you,"


The indifference in her voice was maddening. Suddenly I just burst out.

"I'm worried about you,"

"But I'm okay Dean. You found me,"

"No. No I didn't. I'm scarred Laura. Ever sense we came home, my girlfriend has been missing. She's been replaced with a sad replacement. My Laura, is always optimistic. And looks to the future with hope. She always told me about her far fetched dreams full of unicorns and glitter," I spoke as I came further into the room, knelt down in front of her and took her little hands in mine. "Where did my little dreamer go?"

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