Chapter 16

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------------ Laura ----------------

When I opened my eyes again. The room was dim and cool, my body clothed in comfortable pajamas, and covered by my comforter. I was home. I did not get out of bed. Although I wanted to. I needed time to think everything over.

Sliding my eye lids shut, I started from the beginning. Remembering everything that got me here, lying in this bed today. As I remembered, I mentally shuttered at my own misfortunes. But as my terrible story came to a close, I thought of Dean. And Sam. And all my lovely angels, and even Crowley.

I got up later that day, finding Sam and Dean and being embraced my both of them.

I called all the angels and Crowley to see me privately in the days that followed. To thank each of them personally for saving me. I also found out from Cas, that Jeff died from the connection break. And that Ares was obliterated for improper dealing, and hurting one of Crowley's favorite mortals

I could finally eat solid food again. I could walk with no problems. I could drive. Climb stairs. I could do anything I wanted again. Life went back not "normal". Or rather, we fell back into old routine. The boys do most of the actual hunting, me doing research, cataloging, ect.

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