Chapter 4

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-------------- Laura -----------------

"You know, you don't have to stay with him,"

I've heard those words exactly twice in my life. Both times I took the jump, to avoid the clutches of the current nightmare. But both times... Sooner or later the trail of wreckage in my wake comes back to haunt me again. I mean look at me right now...

Laying unconscious in a hospital bed, with stitches inside of me, and outside of me. A tube down my throat, an IV needle hooked up to my arm. A heart monitor set up. It's hard to believe this is happening again. I thought for sure, that I was going to be safe with Dean and Sam.

Dean and Sam! They must be worried sick! I should wake up and let them know that I'm okay... But what if Jeff is there... And I'm not with Sammy and Dean... I don't want to wake up to that. I wish I could hear or feel what's going on around me.

I try to concentrate on hearing something... Anything... With no avail. I switch to feeling. Oh how I long to feel Deans large rough hand holding mine.

Until finally... There is a voice... But I don't recognize it.

"She could wake up at any time. It's really up to her at this point. If she wakes up, if she doesn't... That's her choice,"

There was silence..... And it was almost deafening.

"Thanks Doc,"..... SAM! I know that voice. It's Sam! I'm with Sam. And maybe Dean. I have to wake up... But I don't know how.... I don't even know how to try... I don't know where I am going.

Then I feel it. The thing I've been so desperately been craving. A firm and warm but gentle grip on my left hand.

I find that my heart beats faster when I feel it. I can hear it. I can hear my heart. No... The monitor, that's my heart! I need to find where that's coming from!

"Laura..." The voice seems to be coming from everywhere, but it's unmistakably Dean's.

"Dean!" I try to scream out. "Dean!"

"Baby... If what the big man says is true... You can choose when you wake up..."

"I want to wake up!" I scream "I want to live! I want to wake up!!"

"Baby, I am so sorry," his voice becomes sharper. Like it's becoming more focused.

"Keep talking!" I call out, although he can't hear me.

"Please wake up. I'm sorry I let you get hurt it's all my fault,"

The voice was crystal clear, I could see his lips moving forming the words.

"Keep going. I'm coming,"

"Baby I love you so much. And I really hope you can hear this. I need you to hear this. I love you to the ends of the Earth and farther,"

I sprinted as fast as I could to the focus point of his voice. I've always heard don't go into the light. But if the light is where Dean and Sam are, then screw darkness.

"I love you so much, and I hope you ca- LAURA!"

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