Chapter 11

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------------- Dean ---------------

Before I could get angry, Laura made a terrible choking sound, that sounded like forcefully suppressed fear.

"Crowley, what do we have to do to fix this?"

"He's got a connection established through Jeff. You need to break that connection,"


"You might need to kill him. But there's a spell you can use, that has my seal on it. It will cut all deals made by the demon you put it on,"

"Give us the spell. I've had enough of dealing with that guy, don't feel like burning or burring his dead ass today,"

Crowley disappeared and reappeared moments later with a large box.

"Everything you'll need and instructions," he said dumping the box into my empty arms.

"You're going to need an angel to heal her you know... It is beyond my skills,"

"Heal her? Isn't she already healing?" Fear crept into my voice.

"From the wound yes. But her mind... It's poisoned. She's dying, Dean,"

As if to prove his point, Laura's nose started trickling blood, and she asked in a voice I have never heard from her.

"Who are you?"

Crowley ignored her comment.

"It's starting Dean. Her body will start dying, and her brain will just continue dying and forgetting things and people,"


"Tick Tock Winchester. Her life depends on you,"

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