Chapter 10

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I knew what was going on and I didn't like it. Not one bit, but I had to make sure.

The minute I figured it out, Laura began to look sick, like she might throw up. The warmth in her small hands evaporated in an instant.

"Come on baby, stand up," she stood up very slowly, grasping my arms with her chilled fingers. I get her out the door and half way down the hall way before she starts shaking.

"Sam!" I call out as calmly as I can.

Sam pokes his head out of the kitchen door, "what?"

"Get the stuff for summoning out. Laura needs help," Sam dashed off to get the needed ingredients. I managed to get Laura into the living room and seated on the couch.

She shook violently, her skin was ice cold. Sam started setting up the spell on the coffee table.

"You're going too slow, and we need to move," I barked, "Hold her let me finish it,"

When I stood up, Laura panicked. Sam slid into my place, holding her and trying to keep her as calm as possible.

Finishing the spell took no time at all, in flash, Crowley stood in our living room. Holding a bouquet of flowers. Laura went perfectly still.

"Ah, Laura darling. How's the wound then love?" For some reason Laura had a civilizing effect on Crowley.

Laura didn't answer. Crowley studied her face for a moment, then set the flowers down on the coffee table. He reached a hand out towards Laura, and looked to me.

"May I?" I nodded giving him permission to get close to her. Sam still held her hand just for good measure.

Crowley brought his hand up to her cheek, and stroked the pad of his thumb over her skin. His face in sincere concentration. The other hand came to rest on top of her head. Crowley scowled and stepped back.

"Don't let that hand go, Moose... You just might drop her,"

"Why? What's wrong with her?"

"Believe me when I say, I am not happy about this. But there is a demon inside of her brain,"

"What?" The word fell out of my mouth dumbly. "She's possessed?"

"No. You would have figured it out by now if she was. Someone has made a deal with a very powerful demon. They mean to torture her into insanity. The demon is draining her of herself,"

"Who's doing this?" I growled, determined to rip apart the son of a bitch.

"One moment," Crowley reached back out to Laura, placing his hand on her head again. His eyes slid shut and stayed that way for a time.

Without opening his eyes, he muttered the word "Ares,"

"Ares? Is that who's hurting Laura?"

"Quiet, Squirrel. I'm not finished," Crowley snapped.

"Someone made a deal with Ares... A human... Hmm... " Crowley's expression soured as he drew his hand back.

"Who," I already knew who...

"Jeffery Downs,"

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