Chapter 13

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--------------- Sam---------------

A wave of panic washed over me, a thin trickle of blood dripped from Laura's nose. She involuntarily leaned forward as blood seeped from her mouth.

She puts the phone receiver facing up, on the other side of the glass Jeff spoke, his cruel voice drifting in through the phone receiver.

"You know Laura. I wet through a lot of trouble to find you. I followed you and your two man slaves cross this whole fricken country. You leave a whole lotta shit in your wake,"

Laura coughed, splattering blood on her shirt. Dean started to get the things ready for the spell. I held Laura's shoulders, trying to keep her upright.

"You've got a lot of enemies Laura. Like Ares. I've got a special deal with him. He's in your head. I didn't mean to stab you, but it worked to my advantage. I didn't have to fight your brainless henchmen,"

Laura heaved, unable to breathe through the stream of blood. Coughing violently.

The spell is ready, and Dean starts the chant. Laura's whole body shakes and twitches from the demon inside her, and Dean trying to pull it out.

On the other side of the glass, Jeff clutches his head, and cries out in pain. He's linked to this too.

The minutes drag on and on. Laura barely conscious. I keep telling for her to keep her eyes open, that it's almost over.

Finally she fell out of the chair and rasped out a think chunk of congealed blood on the tiled floor. Her body shook fiercely and then she collapsed. All movement ceased.

Before I could touch he, she flipped over and bright beams of blinding white light shot from her eyes, and black smoke poured from her mouth like a river.

The shining and emptying ended suddenly, and her body went limp. Eyes shut.

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