Chapter 2

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Author POV

The boys were in the practice room practicing their songs and dance for their upcoming world tour until their manager entered the room. they all stopped their work and assembled in the middle of the room to hear what he has got to say.

Manager:Since the world tour is around the corner i just wanted to check your preparation and also i have to tell you something.

Everybody listened to him carefully.

Manager: There is a new country that we will be going to in this world tour considering the increasing number of request from armies there.


Manager:India. Actually we will be starting our world tour from India.

Everyone: WOAH!!

Manager: But you guys must be careful and must stick to one another. There also may be some criticizes that you'll have to face

Namjoon: Don't worry manager-nim I'll explain everything to them.

Manager: Ok then all the best with the practice.

Everyone:Thank you!

V: WOW!! I always wanted to go to India and finally I got the chance.

Namjoon: Ok everyone continue practicing.

After Practice

J-Hope: Well done guys that is all for today.

With that being said everyone plopped themselves on the floor since the practice session was very tiring.

After sometime they all went to their dorm and were having dinner together that Jin made for them. They were eating silently until Jin broke the silent.

Jin: Why is everyone so quiet??

No one answers him.

He turns to Suga who was sitting just beside him on the dinning table.

Jin: Hey Suga wanna hear a knock knock joke??

Suga :Do I have a choice?

Jin:  Knock knock

Suga: It's open

Suga continued to eat his food.

Jin: YAHHH!! You are no fun.

No one was paying much attention towards them.

Jin: Hey Jungkook do you know why koalas are not actual bears?

Jungkook knew it was going to be another one of his dad jokes so he just halfheartedly replied to his question.

Jungkook: Why??

Jin: Cuz they don't  have the koalafications.

Jungkook just leaved a sigh in response while Jin was laughing like a maniac at his own not so funny joke.

Soon after he came up with another joke in his mind.

Rest members were literally thanking jungkook through their gaze as he saved them from loosing their appetite

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Rest members were literally thanking jungkook through their gaze as he saved them from loosing their appetite.

After dinner everyone went to sleep. While Jungkook was listening t some songs.

Jungkook POV

I was listening to Good Day by IU noona i really loved her voice. I just can't get over her voice. Soon i was interrupted by a knock at my door I reluctantly went to open the door and saw V hyung standing there.

Jungkook: Yes hyung do you need anything.

V: Yes

Jungkook: What??

V: Your time. Hahaha!!!!

Jungkook: Seriously hyung, you should stop being with jin hyung.

V: So what were you doing

He asked while inviting him-selves into my room.

Jungkook: Listening to some songs and trying to sleep.

V:What song were you hearing?

Jungkook: Good Day by IU noona.

V: Again IU do you love her voice or her??

I blushed at that statement even I wasn't sure about that but, I loved her voice very much. As I was lost in my thought I saw V hyung looking at me with a grin plastered on his face and wiggling his eyebrows. Probably waiting for an answer. But i just hit his arm signalling him to stop embarrassing me.

V: So do you love her? or only her voice??

Jungkook: WHAAT!! NO!! I DON'T!!

But my voice wasn't that stern to convince him. And i was blushing really hard I am sure I was all red and he could tell that i was lying just by looking at my face. But i myself wasn't sure about these feelings.

V: But your face and your voice says either ways.

Jungkook: I don't know hyung. I ain't sure about my feelings towards her.

V: But from what I see I can tell that you really like her.

Jungkook: I do like her. Actually I do like her a lot, but i don't know if I love her.

V: Well then I won't force you to think about that. And I hope you soon sort your feelings towards her.

Jungkook: Even I Hope so.

V: Ok then I'll leave. Bye Jungkookie Good night.

Jungkook: Bye hyung Good night.

I locked the door and sat on my bed replaying the question in my head 'So do you love her?'

Jungkook: UUUGGGGHHH!!!!! My mind is so messed up right now thank you hyung.

I talked to myself sarcastically and laid down on my bed and in no time i drifted off  to sleep.

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