Chapter 59

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Jin POV:

To the man who never fails to make me feel like a blessing:

Thank you for letting me know how you feel. I know that it was not easy for someone to express their feelings, let alone say it to a woman who didn't have romance in her mind.

Thank you for never failing to make me feel beautiful, not just in your words, but in your actions. I've never felt such sincerity from someone as they say "You really are beautiful" as I see how your eyes look at me with an intensity of complete honesty and amazement. Never have I felt so beautiful in my life.

Thank you for always protecting and honouring me. Never have I met a man who would promise to protect me and my purity, and see the resolve in his eyes as he does so. You never acted out of line, instead always acted with chivalry and respect.

You never fail to remind me of how much you respect me, and want nothing but to protect me, from the temptations of this world. This showed me how much you value my worth and I feel so honoured that you have decided to protect me, out of every other girl.

Thank you for patiently putting up with my moods, and being mature as you remind me to be the same. I know that I'm not easy to understand, and as complex, as they come. I act childishly and immaturely at times yet you choose to gently and patiently chastise me and correct me. And even when I fight you and get mad at you, you take it with no offense, both graciously and maturely.

Thank you for accepting me as I am, and constantly reminding me that I don't have to change for your account; but, at the same time encouraging me to be a better, no, to be the best version of myself. You never fail to make me feel your unconditional love for me, even when I get on your nerves. You sweetly remind me of how much you love me whenever I breakdown, as I succumb to the guilt of realizing a mistake that I have made. You constantly remind me that I am more than enough when you know that I feel inadequate, even when I don't say a word.

Thank you for reminding me of where my heart and mind should always be. Thank you for always telling me to guard my focus, and reminding me of what life should be about. As you gently remind me that you shouldn't be my number one priority, even if I start loving you. I have never felt so loved, and yet, not obliged to feel the same. I have never felt such selfless love.

Thank you for choosing to wait for me, for telling me that I'm worth waiting for. I suppose anyone would feel honoured to have someone tell them this. I know that it's hard to wait on someone to be completely ready, but you choose to do so, to honour my dreams and to support me with my plans in life.

Thank you for taking the time to understand me, all of me. You always remind me of how you find my weird little quirks endearing. 

Thank you for choosing to love me, for showing me the right kind of love, the agape kind of love.

Thank you for being a constant blessing in my life. I have never felt so blessed to have someone love me as you do. You not only let me feel your love but also your desire to lead me and guide me closer. God knows how thankful, grateful and blessed I am to have someone like you love me. And I pray that we continue to grow closer to.

I promise that I will always be your "cold princess," your best friend; and that I will never take you, nor your love, for granted. And, I will continue to pray for you, because I know in my heart, that you are also praying to God for me.

I don't really know what love even is, and maybe I never will. All I know is that there are some smiles you never get tired of seeing, and some hands you never want to let go of, and some absences that hurt too much to ignore considering we met in the evening yet here I am missing you already. So if this, means love so yes I do love you Kim Seokjin. I LOVE YOU. 

Your Cold Princess.

PS: Have a happy and safe journey.

And after reading this you expect me to stay away for four months from her. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever read and it coming from Eli makes it utmost special to me. So when I got back I framed this letter and hung it on the wall of my room. 

Though I couldn't meet her for the two days since I arrived I called her and asked her if we could go on a date today. It was the first time we were meeting after her confession and also it was our first date. So after debating with myself about the location I finally decided to take her to a beach and then to a restaurant for lunch.

So here I am waiting for her in my car. And soon my wait ended and there she was the love of my life, having a huge grin on her face and a beautiful glow.

Eli: Hey.

I didn't realize when she got in the car.

Jin: Hii. How are you?

Eli: Happier than ever, so where are we going?

Jin: Beach?

Eli: Sure.

And with that, I started the car and headed towards the beach. There were beach lounge chairs in a line. Few of them were taken while a few were empty. We headed towards the empty ones. We sat on a single chair since it was long enough for both of us. Unboudetly I had to put n my mask.

Eli: It's warm.

Jin: Yeah, So did you miss me?

A tinge of red on her cheeks.

Eli: Yeah, a lot. You can't just do the cutest, sweetest and most beautiful thing anyone can ever do for someone and then disappear for so long.

Jin: Aww...I am sorry. But if I didn't leave I would never know you are such a beautiful writer. And never would you confess your feelings anytime soon.

 Eli: I missed you Jin,

Jin: I missed you more. I just wanted to leave everything and just come and have you in my embrace.

Eli: Like this?

She wrapped her hands around my torso and rested her head on my shoulder.

Jin: You know this side of you is even more adorable.

Eli: Well thanks to you. Thank you for unleashing the real Eli, thank you for returning my strength to me, thank you for being my strength when I lost mine, thank y-

Jin: shhh... enough if these thank yous, you've already thanked me 11 times in the letter and I pretty much got how grateful you are to me. Say something that I want to hear you say and not the ink on the paper.

Eli: You counted the thank yous?

Jin: Yes, and don't steer the topic, Eli.

She looked in my eyes as her mischievous grin slowly morphed into a warm smile.

Eli: I love you Jin.

And here my heart almost stopped beating.

Jin: I love you too Eli. I love you too.

And we sat there under the umbrella on this chair talking about anything and everything. And I would occasionally peck her cheeks. Earning a slap from her on my arm. And just like that, we spend the whole day telling each other how much we love each other and showing it to the world.

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