Chapter 17

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Y/N: The truck hit Hannah and by the time she was taken to the hospital it was already late. Everyone blamed Eli for Hannah's death even Eli blamed herself. Even her parents blamed her and transferred her to another school. There she met me, she ignored me a lot but I decided not to give up and soon we became friends.

Jin POV  

I don't know why I couldn't stop crying after listening to her story. I never expected this would be the reason for Eli's behavior she has gone through a lot of pain at a very young age and she blames herself for something that wasn't her fault. Tears were running non-stop from my eyes but why is she so attached to orphans? I wiped my tears and decided to ask this question to Y/n.

Jin: But why does she come to the orphanage to celebrate her birthday and why does she dream of opening an orphanage.

Y/N: Because Hannah was an orphan she was an adopted child. Her foster parents didn't have a child for the first 5 years of their marriage so they decided to adopt a child. But after some years they had their own child, then they began to ignore and abuse Hannah but Hannah still loved them. And it was Hannah's dream to open an orphanage and provide a good life for the children who will live there. Eli wants to complete Hannah's dream and when she'll do that she'll truly forgive herself.

Again I couldn't stop the tears that begin to flow from my eyes. I wanted to do something for her, I truly wanted to help her but Y/n told me she wouldn't take anyone's sympathy. But I can't sit back and do nothing I will figure out a way to help her without letting her know. Then I looked at everyone and saw them crying too.

Y/N: Guys please don't talk about this to her she doesn't like someone sympathizing her.

Stella: I think we should leave now before Eli starts looking for us. 

V: Okay

He said while wiping his tears.

Then we all went to play with the kids.

Suga POV

Eli had a very harsh childhood just like me but her's was harder. I wish I could help her but she doesn't like to have sympathized I can completely relate to her. 

Then we went towards the kids and played with them. Then I saw Eli playing with the kids when I saw her the story that I heard earlier began to repeat in my mind again. How did she go through all those things?

Jungkook POV

We were playing with the kids then I remembered about Y/N promised me to sing her song for me. Then I went up to her

Jungkook: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Yes?

Jungkook: You said you'll sing your song for me I want to hear it now.

Y/N: What are you serious?

Jungkook: Yes. You promised me.

Y/N: Jungkook I don't think this is the right place.

Then everyone came towards us.

Jimin: Hey what are you guys talking about?

Jungkook: I am convincing Y/n to sing her song for us but she is won't listen.

Stella: Yeah Y/n sings really good.

Jimin: Really then we all would like to listen to her.

Y/n: What NO!!

V: Please Y/n sing for us, please.

V said with puppy eyes.

Y/N: Okay fine I'll sing.

She said while blushing. 

Jungkook: Let's side down.

We all sat on the ground waiting for her to start.


I was really nervous since all of them are one of the best singers in the world singing in front of them was really scary. I took a deep breath and sat on the bench behind me and started singing the song.

After I finished I saw everyone just staring at me for a long time no one said anything my heart beat increased I was more nervous now.

Jungkook POV

She began to sing, her voice was so beautiful when she sang the song, I was just lost in her voice I have never heard such a beautiful song before. The melody of the song was complimenting the lyrics so well. I closed my eyes taking in every word and swaying with the music I wanted this song to go on forever. But soon she stopped I opened my eyes I guess the song ended I was a bit disappointed but then I saw that she was getting nervous since every one of us were just staring at her. Everyone was looking at her since they didn't have any words to describe her singing but she might be thinking we didn't like it.

So I began to clap for her my clapping sound brought everyone out of their trance and they clapped along with me.

V: Wow Y/N that was awesome you should become a singer.

Jungkook: Your voice is so beautiful Y/N and your song was even more beautiful.

Y/N: Thank you, everyone.

Jimin: I am in love with your voice Y/N. I wished you didn't stop.

Then I heard Namjoon hyung scoff since Jimin hyung got too excited.

Namjoon: Y/N I think you should come to Korea I am sure you'll become a very successful idol over there.

Y/N: Thanks Namjoon I'll think about it.

I was looking at Y/n all the time when everyone was praising her she was so happy. I wanted to hear her sing again but I didn't want to look over excited so I just let it be and admired her happy face.

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