Chapter 22

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We were outside the bighit building. I have always seen this building on TV and in magazines. Joongki leads us inside the building it was really beautiful clean and spacious. Then we saw V coming towards us he has become more handsome.

V: Hii girls how are you? 

Stella&Y/n&Eli: Fine.

Stella: How are you?

V: I am doing good. Come let's meet other boys.

Stella: Okay.

Then he took us towards their practice room I suppose. Stella and V were talking about some random stuff we were following them. Then V entered the room and then Eli and Stella I entered the room and saw everyone smiling at us then I saw Jungkook looking at us before I could say anything he ran towards me and hugged me. My mind went blank my heart was beating like it is about to explode my eyes were wide in shock I didn't hug him back I just stood there in complete shock. Everyone was surprised too, soon he let me go and apologized. I was just staring in the air. Then I heard Stella scoff and then I realized how awkward the situation was.

Stella: Hii everyone.

Bts: Hii girls how are you?

Stella: We are good. How have you guys been?

Bts: Good.

Namjoon: Nice to meet you again.

V: This is our practice room.

Stella: It's really nice.

Jungkook: How did you guys get here? I mean Y/N said you guys can't come.

Stella: V surprised us by sending us the tickets to Korea and he also arranged a hotel room for us. You didn't know about it?

Jungkook: Nope.

V: I went to tell you but you said you don't want to hear anything and left.

Jungkook: I am sorry hyung actually I was feeling down at that time.

V: You were acting weird for the past three to four days.

Jungkook: I am sorry I wasn't feeling well.

V: Are you okay now?

Jungkook: Yup.

Stella: So when are you guys free.

Namjoon: Our comeback is in two days so our schedules are completely packed so I guess after the comeback we shall be free.

Stella: Okay.

Namjoon: Come we'll show you guys around the building.

Stella: Okay.

Eli: Can I stay here I am really tired.

Jin: I and J-hope will also stay here I have to learn some steps.

Namjoon: Okay fine as you wish.

Then we left the practice room V and Stella were walking together again then I saw Jungkook coming towards me.

Jungkook: Hey Y/N I am sorry for being so rude that day.

Y/N: It's okay Jungkook I understand.

Jungkook: You don't know I had planned so many things that we will do when you will come here but then you said you won't come so I became very disappointed and over-reacted.

Y/N: It's okay Jungkook. By the way what things did you planned?

Jungkook: You said you love going to arcade right I planned that we will play the whole day in the arcade, I will show you Han river since you said you always wanted to go there and also I planned to take you to the top of the Seoul tower you said you wanted to see the view of the city from their right.

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