Chapter 57

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The tour was as always hectic. Throughout the tour, there was this one person I missed like nothing else in my life-Stella. I don't know why I kept on thinking about her all the time. The moment we used to end a call or a video call there was always this strong urge to see or talk to her again. It felt weird to me about why was I missing her so much.

I wanted to meet her yesterday but her phone was switched off. I tried today too but still, her phone is switched off. I finally gave Y/N a call and she told me that she was having a night shoot yesterday. So I'll have to wait some more time to meet her.

After having lunch I accompanied Jin hyung to do the dishes since I had nothing else to do. The concert that we had in Korea is postponed so we are having a two month holiday! After the dishes were done I went back to my room and laid on my bed. Sleeping was the only thing I could do to pass the time right now. 

Stella POV:

After a tiring day and night shoot, I came back to the apartment and plopped on the bed after having a shower. Before sleeping I plucked charger into my phone. Around 6 pm I woke up and had some snacks. Again I had to go back at 9 for night shoots. There are many things that happened in the last 4 months. A lot had changed in the workplace, and I no longer wish to work there to stay away from a certain person. But I can't back off I have signed a contract and I just can't leave it in the middle. It would be bad for my possible career as well as for V and his friendship with the director. Only if he was here I would have someone to share my burden with. I haven't told the girls about the problem yet cause they have their own work stress and I don't want to bother them with mine.

I came back to the room and unplugged my phone from the charger and switched it on. There were a number of notifications. One of them brought a smile to my face, he might be busy but still, he makes time to call me. I decided to give him a call which he answered on the third ring.

V: Hey I've been calling you since yesterday. Where are you?

Stella: Actually my phone's battery died in the afternoon yesterday and I forgot to carry my charger at the studio. So how's the tour going?

V: I am in Korea. We arrived yesterday and since then I've been trying to get to you but I couldn't.

Stella: What! You are in Korea really? Umm...can we meet?

V: That's what I wanted to say. I want to meet you.

Stella: Ohh, so where shall we meet?

V: Umm...if you don't mind I can come over.

Stella: Yeah sure. Eli is here too.

V: Okay I'll be there in 5.

He hung up and I cleaned the living room and made some noodles for both of us. After some 10 minutes, the doorbell rang and I almost ran to open it. 

Stella: Breath Stella breath you don't want to look desperate, right?

After I composed myself I finally opened the door. There he stood in a simple black hoodie, sweatpants and Nikes. I didn't know what to do. Every part of my body just wanted to run into his arms. But the rational part of my brain was finding it awkward to do so. Finally killing the rationality I wrapped my arms around him. And without any delay, he wrapped his around me.

V: I missed you.

Stella: I missed you too. 

Eli: It would be better if you invite him in and tell him how much you missed him, Stella. 

She teased me and went back to her room and I invited V into the apartment.

V: It's beautiful.

He said while looking around the apartment.

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