Chapter 8

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Jungkook POV

Y/N: Here wear these masks and caps so that no one will recognize you.

Jungkook: Thank you so much. By the way what are you names?

Y/N: I am Y/N and this is my friend Stella.

Jungkook: Nice name Y/N.

Taehyung: Stella.

Stella: Yes??

Taehyung: Nothing your name sounds good.

Stella: Thank you.

Y/N: You guys walk besides us so that none would come too close to you.

Jungkook&Taehyung: Okay.

Me and hyung wore the mask and caps they gave us and then we all then slowly walked towards the gate and unexpectedly no one noticed us. They might be thinking that we were their friends these girls truly saved us today. We should thank them for helping us so much.


We called for a cab and soon it arrived I messaged Eli and Bobby to go ahead we shall come by another cab at first they didn't agreed but later I convinced them. Me and Stella sat in the back seat with Taehyung while Jungkook sat in the front seat beside the driver. Seriously is this even happening cause it is too good to be real. I really talked with Jungkook and now I am helping him. While I was taking glances at Jungkook I was noticing that Taehyung was acting really weird around Stella. He was blushing and was constantly staring at her. Maybe he likes her even she blushed when she noticed that he was staring at her. It would be so great to see them together dating. The hotel wasn't that far we reached there in almost 15 minutes. They got off the cab and they began to thank us again.

Jungkook: Thank you so much for helping us today.

Taehyung: Can we have your number so that we could call you since we would like to treat you and thank you guys properly. 

Y/N: No it's absolutely fine we are glad to help--

But before I could complete my sentence Stella interrupted me.

Stella: Give me your phone I'll feed in my number.

Y/N: Stella NO!!

Jungkook: It's completely fine Y/N we really want to thank you guys.

He called my name it sounded 100 times better in his voice. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Stella handed him the phone.

Stella: I've saved both of our numbers hope to see you soon. Bye.

Taehyung: Bye!!

Jungkook: Bye Y/N! Bye Stella.

Y/N: Bye.

And then they entered the hotel and the driver drove off towards our homes. It's already 11:30 I'm sure mom will scold me very much for staying out so late. But it was completely worth it.

Stella: I just can't believe it they asked for our numbers, we helped them and the best part we will be meeting them soon.

Y/N: Yeah even I am excited.

Stella: Did you see Taehyung he looks so handsome in real life. OMG!! I am falling for him even more.

Y/N: Sorry but I didn't notice him that much since I was busy admiring my Jungkook's handsomeness.

I said while winking. She just hit my arm playfully and we continued to show our excitement and finally we reached home. 

I rang the bell and waited for my mom to open the door I was sure she will be damn angry right now. I heard the voice was the knob of the door turn and I prepared myself for hearing the tongue lashing from my mom. But surprisingly she didn't seem that fierce.

Mom: Do you even know what time it is?

Y/N: Sorry Mom the concert ended up late.

Mom: Go to your room and sleep otherwise no bts for a week.

Y/N: WHAT!!?? NO I'll go to sleep right away.

Mom: Hmm.

Y/N: Good night mom. love you.

I said will kissing her cheeks.

Mom: Good night.

I ran towards my room and changed into some comfortable clothes and laid on my bed. What happened today just kept repeating in my head and I was smiling like crazy. I finally saw him, talked to him and even touched him. It was just too much to digest but it was real and not any dream. Soon my eyes became heavy I fell asleep.

Y/N: Good Night Kookie have sweet dreams.

Jungkook POV

We reached at our hotel and went in our rooms I was lying on my bed thinking about today. Today we really had fun performing in India for the first time. But what happened next was really scary if it weren't for Y/N ans Stella we could have been stuck in the Stadium till yesterday we must thank them they even paid for the cab. Taehyung finally got the girl he was searching for the past 3 days he just kept staring at her. But I liked the way Y/N offered help to us and lent us her mask and caps and didn't act like a typical fan girl and handled everything so calmly and maturely. I hope all the army would behave like that. It's not that I don't like the way they love us but sometimes they must respect our personal space. Anyways I must sleep it's already too late.

Taehyung POV:

I finally met her today the meeting was so sudden and unexpected. She looked even more beautiful in real life I just take my eyes off her. I hope she didn't saw me staring at her she may think I am so stupid to stare her. I couldn't even speak to her properly, but the best part I could gather my courage and asked her for her number and she gave it and we will be meeting again soon. 'Stella' her name is as beautiful as her. I felt asleep while thinking about today.

Stella POV

I had to listen to a really long lecture by my mom for coming home so late, but it was worth it. I finally saw Kim Taehyung he looked even more handsome in real life. I don't know it was real or not but I felt like he was staring at me, but may be I am overthinking. Anyways hope we meet again soon.

Stella: Good Night Taehyung. 


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