Chapter 53

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Eli: I want to be happy too Jin just like everyone else. I want to move on with my life Hannah would want that too. But what am I suppose to do when my own family hates me. They feel ashamed that I am their daughter. A family is your strength Jin but if you take it away, a person is nothing without them. I have my parent but at the same time, I don't. They think I killed her why would I kill her when she was the only friend I had. They don't trust me Jin. They don't even care what I do in fact, they don't even know I am in Korea. It's like I don't exist for them.

Jin: Shhh...It's okay. 

He began to stroke my hair.

Jin: They'll realize their mistake soon. And they'll apologize for their mistakes and you'll have your family back. You'll have your strength back.

Eli: I can't have them back. I tried explaining to them many times but they never believed me. they will never believe me or realize their mistake. 

Jin: They will, it's my promise to you.

Eli: Don't promise something that is impossible to accomplish.

Jin: I will, no matter how hard it is. I will do it for you because I love you, Eli. I love you so much. I don't know since when but over the period of time since I got to know you I realized that you are the most beautiful girl in and out I have ever met.

Eli: All the people that loved me left me. Will you leave me too?

Jin: Never, I can't even think about that.

I pulled away from the hug. He cupped my face and wiped the tears away. The warmth of his hands made my whole body shiver as ironic as it sounds. After wiping the tears away he still framed my face in his large hands. And slowly I began to lean in his touch. It felt like something was erupting from the pit of my stomach and travelling all over my body. These feelings were alien to me, probably because no one let alone no guy ever treated me like this. I don't know why I am feeling this or what are these feelings, all I know is that I like it. 

We didn't realise we have been staring into each others' eyes. But nothing felt inappropriate, or out of space. But the rational part of my mind suddenly kicked in and I moved away from him. His hands were still in the air the way it was holding my face. Then he slowly balled them into fists and retreated them and cleared his throat. 

 Jin: Let's go back to the studio. You have an audition to rock. 

Eli: I-I don't feel like doing it.

Jin: Eli, do this for Hannah, for your dreams, Please.

I stared at him right in the eyes. What he said was right Hannah may be watching me giving up on my dreams. If she would have been here she would have done the same thing that Jin was doing right now. I don't know if I'll pass this audition or not but I know that I want to make her proud, I want to make my parents proud most of all I want to make him proud. The trust that he was putting in me was giving me the strength to overcome this fear and face the problem. 

I nodded my head slowly and wiped my wet cheeks and eyes.

Jin: That's like my girl. 

He said while ruffling my hair. I glared at him but kept on smiling at me.

Jin: Let's go.

He took my hand in his. I looked at our intertwined hands. His large hands engulfed mine. And again that weird feeling rose in the pit of my stomach. I tried to pull away, my hand from his but he tightened the grip on it.

Jin: I don't want you to run away again. 

He led the way and I followed behind him still looking at our hands and then at him. After a good couple of minutes walk, we reached the building and reached the reception area again. The auditions had already started. I asked for when was my turn to enter and the reception told me I would be going after the girl sitting on the couch in one of the corners the receptionist pointed the girl out. I thanked her and went back to my seat with Jin sitting beside me. 

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