3 - Escape

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You picked yourself up and brushed the dust from your shoulders.

"I'm not a fool either. That's clearly not yours."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because it's mine."

He blinked and looked down at the slightly creased leather-bound book.

"Sure it is. You know, if you wanted it so bad you could've just asked."

"Would you have given it to me then?"

He smirked. "Not in a million and one years. These notes are brilliant, far superior than the ones I made for my repo-." He immediately clamped his mouth shut with his hand.

"Thank y- wait."



He pulled you into the room, closed the door and locked it. The man advanced towards you until his face was a few inches away from yours. You craned your neck to meet his bluish green eyes.

"You're a reporter, aren't you?" You whispered.

"You better not tell a soul."

You stepped back. "Not unless you give me back what's mine-."

He snorted. "-Actually, judging by what's written here, and if this really is yours, I'm guessing you're here for the same reason I am. You're a reporter too, aren't you?"

You stayed silent.

He chuckled. "Then you're as dead as I am. Well, I'd be even more dead if I escaped, for the crap article I would've written if it weren't for these. If I do manage to escape this place, then I'd be a tad less dead!"

He flopped the book up and down. The moment he closed his eyes you, like a ninja, grabbed it and ran off.


You raced along the hallway, your breath quickening with each step and echoing off the pristine walls. The door of the elevator appeared closer and closer to you, and so did the set of stairs beside it.

"Just a few more steps..."

But what if it takes forever for the elevator to open and by that time he catches up to you? You couldn't risk a second to waste.

At the last minute you swerved your body to the left to take the stairs. You jumped down several steps at a time and, at hearing the boy's voice echo above you, occasionally slid down the cylinder hand rails. Reached Level 5. For a moment, you thought about stopping, until the cries to stop echoed louder and forced your legs to keep moving. Level 4. You whizzed past an ascending chubby man, who stumbled down a few steps from the force of the wind created by your run. Level 3. 'Just two more', you consoled yourself.

On reaching the bottom level, you dropped your hands onto your knees, huffing and puffing. 'Where did all this stamina suddenly come from? Then again, while I am largely unfit, it's not like I never exercised or anything.'

You heard footsteps approach you from behind, getting louder and louder, as you started running down the corridor. You almost reached the end when you felt a pair of arms grab you and drag you to the side, where one hand clamped over your mouth. From the corner of your eye, you could see pieces of purple hair hanging off the top of a pale forehead, which was matted with sweat.


"Ssh," the young man whispered harshly in your ear. "If you value every second of your life, Falcon Girl, stay quiet."

The 28th Stop [ Yandere x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now