20 - Hostage

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Crumpled bedsheets were splayed all over the carpet, brutally ripped at the edges. A trail of pyjama shirts and pants leaked from the set of drawers and formed a trail to your bed, where a pile sat in the corner, next to shredded pillows and your torn scarf. The hat stand was toppled over. Your phone peeked out from under the bed. Your coat was right beside your feet. At the middle of the floor was your beret...

...with a slit through the centre.

You blanched. Lips and core trembling in frenetic unison, words failed to assemble themselves. You braved a few shaky steps forward and closed the door behind you. Shrugging off the shoulder strap, you dropped the satchel bag beside you.

Chaos wreaked havoc in your mind. The gears clashed. A million thoughts jousted in the anarchy, until the dust clouds dispersed and a single question stood out as clear as day.

'Who did this?'

It was not simply a matter of what happened. Neither was it just a matter of when it happened - it was sometime during your and Asher's absence. But who would ravage through your room like this? And why?

Noting that your body had entered 'Panic' mode a second time, you once again snatched back hold of the controls. 'Breathe in...' You inhaled deeply through your nose, whilst tightening and relaxing your fists. '...and out...' You slowly exhaled through your mouth. 'And again - in...and out...'

Your lungs stopped straining.

'In...and out...'

Slowly but surely, your heartbeat relaxed into its normal range.

'In...and out...'

The gears grated, juddered, then finally sprang into its usual rhythm of whirring.

Releasing a final breath, you steeled your resolve. You began piecing together a plan of action, starting with ensuring Asher's safety. Considering that next door was dead silent, he had either not returned or was asleep. The latter was unlikely, since you had an inkling that - had he returned - he would have been staying up until you came back, just to interrogate you on where you were.

You advanced towards your phone. A twinge of sadness guttered in your chest as you stepped over your torn beret. Arriving at your bed, you dropped onto your knees and reached underneath to grab the device. You thumbed the 'On' button. Straightaway, a notification seized your sight.

*6 missed calls from Asher (Turnip Head) Chantel*

'Oh no...' You chewed on your bottom lip and unlocked your phone, checking the 'Calls' log. 'Let's see...his last call was two hours ago, and it's 9 PM now...which means that he called at about the same time that I left the hotel.'

You tapped the 'Call' button under Asher's contact and pressed the phone to your ear.


Your ears perceived nothing but the dull buzz and your heartbeat, the latter becoming harder and faster.


"Come on, pick up! I'm here now."


"Hello!" It was Asher's voice.

"Ash, thank god! Did anything-"

"-I'm not available at the moment, so please leave your name, number and the purpose of your call after the beep. Thank you!"


In your anxiety, you had not noticed the robotic nature of his initial greeting. You cut the line. If he were in imminent danger, you doubted whether he would have the time or opportunity to hear your voicemail in the first place.

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