23 - Alarm

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Warning: Subtle implications of self-harm towards the end.

"I assure you, it's not me who needs help-"

"Ugh, and will you let go of me?" The guard flicked off Emilio's hand, as if it was a bug. "Now, what's the problem?"

Emilio heard faint, distant shouting behind him. Whether it emanated from where the girl was, or whether it was from a different place, he didn't know. Yet it only heightened his worries.

Before he knew what he was doing, Emilio grabbed the guard's arms again. "Look, I don't know what happened, but my gut's telling me-"

"-Don't touch me!" The blonde broke out of Emilio's hold and, without hesitation, punched him.

Emilio stumbled back a few steps but quickly regained his balance. The sudden impact made his front teeth clench onto the side of his lip and split it. He pressed firmly on the wound with his forefinger, red smudging the appendage, and grit his teeth.

"The hell?!"

Brainwashed by the mayor, the Council guards despised Emilio and his family. But they were usually careful not to display any overt acts of aggression, so as to not agitate the visitors.

"I just finished my shift and I'm sure as hell not doing overtime for the likes of you." He turned on his heel. "If you look around a little more, there might be someone who can help."

With a snicker, he jutted his chin towards the grey skies and strolled ahead, as if he never heard the call of distress in the first place.

Emilio's jaw tightened. "I said I'm not the one who needs your help!" The guard was getting further away. "A girl does! I-I saw her with a bunch of men who want to tie her up!" Emilio's throat hurt from screaming so loud, as his voice battled with the thunderous rain. His wounded lip stung from being stretched so much.

And yet, the guard increased his pace to a run.

Emilio broke into a chase after him.

"Where are you going?!"

The two raced through the wet roads, aggressive splashes erupting under their feet. Warm, shallow breaths ejected from their dry mouths in transient clouds.

"An innocent person is in danger, damn it!"

They grew further and further apart. Legs cramping, Emilio couldn't keep up.

"Aren't you going to do anything, you useless–!"

He was gone.

"Bastard!" Now raspy, his frail voice cracked. He skidded to a stop and almost slipped over a puddle. "Argh, what do I do?"

Emilio bit his thumb and racked his brain for any ideas. Any would do. If only he had weapons on him, like the crowbar that sits just behind the Gatekeeper tower - only, the tower was on the other side of town. Not just that, but there was no one else to call out for help, with no sign of life anywhere in the streets and dead buildings around him.

Helpless, he was left with one option: running back to the Council building where Gael was.

From where he stood, it would take two hours by foot, and even longer in such atrocious weather. This place just had to be on the outskirts of town! Nevertheless, if he were to run fast enough, he should be able to make it in just over an hour. Emilio only hoped that nothing too serious would happen to the girl within the two hours it would take in total before Gael would come with Council guards. They always listened to the mayor's son, except for when the matter concerned Emilio's family.

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