4 - Facade

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Warning: Abusive themes later on.

'One room?' Your heart beat faster. 'This better not develop into some romance cliché where the guy and girl share a room and fall in- Wait, what am I thinking?'

A blush reached the boy's cheeks, painting his entire face and ears bright red. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, as his eyes widened. "Oh hell na- *ahem* I mean, two rooms actually."

The girl blinked. "Okay...two whole coins, thank you."

"Two whole coins?!" He muttered to himself as he brought out two thick golden discs and slammed them onto the counter. "There, now I'm half broke."

The girl ignored his statement and turned around to the set of drawers against the back wall. She opened three drawers then turned back, producing two small silver keys in her dainty hand. The boy took his key as you gingerly took yours.

Radish Hair looked down at his key, speculating the number engraved in the brass, then took a glance at yours. "Looks like we're right next to each other." He put his key in his jeans pocket. "Good."

He took your arm in a tight grip and dragged you with him to the hallway. You tried shaking off of him, protesting and struggling in his grip, as you two scrambled the long passageway. Suddenly he advanced towards the door in front of him, unlocked it with his key and pushed you inside.

You rubbed your arm and glared at him. "What the hell?!"

His eyes widened as his gaze trailed to the red handprint on your arm, hazel orbs laced with guilt. "Shoot, was my grip that hard? Sorry."

Shaking his shoulders, he loosened two black straps that slid down each arm. They were connected to a backpack that you hadn't noticed earlier, particularly because they camouflaged against his onyx vest. Nonchalantly, he tossed it to the side.

You were trying your best to keep your cool. What was this guy's problem? "Whatever, just tell me what you want before I call the police to arrest you for harassment."

"Ah, well...look, I just really think we can help each other out." Awkwardly laughing, he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm really desperate to get this thing over and done with and go home."

You deadpanned. "Buddy, I want to go home too, but I'm not going around taking a random girl's book, vandalising it, then forcing her to join my little writing club so that I can steal whatever she's got and go on my merry way."

"At least I don't knock on a stranger's door and ask them to be my friend."

"I was trying to get what was rightfully mine, genius."

"...Even sandpaper is smoother than you, but I digress. Let's just work as a team then forget either of us ever existed."

"That's inevitable since they'll wipe our memories before we leave. That's why this," you held up your notebook. "is so important to me. Even if I don't remember a single thing, everything will be in here. That includes an instruction at the start which describes this suicide mission and why the heck I took it up in the first place."

The boy parted his lips as if to say something, until his mouth gaped open, letting out a loud yawn. Watching him, a yawn threatened to release itself from your mouth too, but you stifled it.

"It's getting late, Falcon. We'll continue this discussion in the morning."

You turned to exit the room when his words swirled in your mind and you looked back. "Hey, that reminds me. Is it just me, or does the night feel super long?"

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