10 - RSVP

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The weight of the books in the plastic bags tore away at your fingers the longer you and Asher walked for. You flexed each appendage and adjusted your holding, yet the red lines across your hand remained to spur pain and irritation. Upon realising that you were supposed to go to a certain shop to pick up your new satchel, you immediately dropped the bags with a thud.

Asher swiftly turned around and eyed the bags on the ground, looking back up at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Satchel bag? 'Humberville'?"

His mouth formed an 'o' as he adjusted the straps of his backpack, the plastic bags wrung around his wrist bumping into his arms. A darker red line formed itself around his forearm, exposed from his sleeves being folded back to his elbows. If it weren't for the essentials filling up his backpack, particularly food and water brought along the way, you would have shoved the heavy books into it.

"Okay, we'll make a quick stop there, since I'm guessing we have about an hour till noon."

Tracing back your steps, you made your way to the expansive convenience store.

The dark brown bag stood on the counter. You picked it up by the long strap and strung it over your shoulders. Once Asher paid for it, you both put the books inside and safely disposed of the plastic bags in the rubbish bin nearby, like responsible adults. You made your way to the door until a dash of blue struck your vision.

Swerving around, you were met with an elegant evening gown worn by a mannequin. Dark blue and lilac tones were infused in harmony across the long dress, where the fabric hung down at the sleeves' ends and the wide neckline revealed the shoulders and collarbone.

"Do you want to purchase that dress too?" Ruth hummed from a distance behind you, her voice soft and fragile. "Although it is quite expensive, I might give you a discount."

"No, it's alright," you coughed. You knew that you needed a dress for the party, but a look at the price tag made you lose complete interest. Only the immensely rich could afford something like that.

"Aw, okay."

"But, you can show us the way to the Council building," Asher grinned.

The arched top of a white building came into sight then finally, as you walked further, the full scope of the Council building. Its white marbled surface shone against the moonlight, as the dark backdrop created a contrast which further emphasised its substantiality.

"Man...so huge," your awe quietly tumbled out in words. You hadn't noticed that you spoke out loud until you heard a snicker beside you.

"Pfft, that's what she said- ow!" The boy rubbed his side, lips pursed in a pained grimace. Despite the lack of strength in your arms, your bony knuckles packed an awful punch.

The light-hearted exchange died back down to silence. For a stretch of time longer than you anticipated, Asher remained silent. He wore an unreadable expression and looked straight ahead of him, eyes unwavering from their taut position.

'What's he thinking about?' you wondered, yet his face gave neither hint nor answer. You returned to observing the view in front of you and mentally sketched every detail, for such a sight was rare in your day-to-day basis.

Admiring the infrastructure, you didn't notice that you had arrived at the steps. That was, until your toes jammed into a hard surface.

In the midst of your blooming pain, you felt yourself falling forwards. Gravity pulled your form downwards with a mighty grip.

You shut your eyes for imminent impact until your body jerked to a stop by an intense grip on your arm.

Prying your eyes open, the polished surface of a step barely touching your nose encroached your view. You turned your head around and met Asher's concerned grimace.

The 28th Stop [ Yandere x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now