17 - Unexpected

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Warning: Mild violent themes.


"Come on, Y/N! Where are you?" Asher breathed, voice subdued to not attract the attention of any eavesdroppers outside the enclosed space he stood in. He bit hard on his lip as he pressed his phone to his ear and tapped his foot restlessly.

Why weren't you picking up? It was the sixth time he called. Perhaps you were in the bathroom? Taking a shower? Fell asleep? Did you go somewhere? If you did, you would have told him...right? Anxiety goaded his heart into overdrive, the powerful thumps palpable against his ribcage.

Boris and he had spent the first couple of hours walking around town and held pleasant conversations. Asher got to know about his ailing father and he told Boris about his aspirations of leading a relatively normal life. While the older man laughed at what he perceived was an absurdity, it could not be any closer to the truth. Asher found himself enjoying the presence of the quirky man and was beginning to be thankful that he took this opportunity to create a friendship - an essential element of living a normal life, according to his former psychiatrist - until Boris received a phone call.

By that time, they had stopped by a café and were having dinner. From the serious expression that enfolded the round face once he looked at who the caller was, Asher deduced that it must have been someone important - perhaps the boss he had briefly mentioned. His reasoning was confirmed when Boris blurted "Yes, Boss!" while the raucous static voice on the line kept blabbering on.

If it weren't for how vociferous the caller was, then Asher wouldn't have overheard the entire unsettling conversation. He wouldn't have felt such an intense urge to call you. The conversation exchanged between the boss and the presumed employee was etched into his mind.

"So, are you with the boy now?"

"Yes, Boss." He squeaked, covering his mouth as he spoke into the phone's mic. While other people wouldn't be able to discern a word, Asher was experienced with eavesdropping and could comprehend every syllable. "Now is not the best time to call, so-"

"You don't get to order me around like that! Who do you think you are, huh? Tell me."

Boris emitted a long groan and further decreased his speaking volume, to a point where Asher could barely hear it. "...Fatso Bob."

'Bob?' Asher thought, flabbergasted. 'Was Bob a nickname? Or a shortening of Boris? Or, could it be that Boris was a fake name...?'

"Exactly. Anyway, I called because the girl's shitface brother escaped! One of the goons must have dropped their knife near him, 'cause when they returned to the room after a lunch break, the Cyril bastard had just cut the ropes of the parents."

Upon the mention of 'Cyril', Asher's blood froze and his face drained of colour. 'It must be a coincidence,' he kept thinking to himself. 'There were many people out there who go by the name Cyril, and who were also brothers...right?'

"Crash managed to get both of the parents, though the dumbass..." Asher failed to decrypt the end of the sentence but his hearing picked up the next utterance. "...but that slimy twerp got away!"

Boris looked lost for words. He opened and closed his mouth multiple times before he spoke again, this time his emotions making him forget about staying subtle. Or, at least, trying to. "What did you say? He...he did..."

"Yes yes, the boy got away - keep up! Anyways, this motherfucker might call the girl at any time and our cover might be blown. So get your business done with the boy quickly."

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