21 - Fear

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Gritting his teeth, Wellington recoiled and straightened his spine. He bit back his usual curses and insults. The man had banked them for whenever his goons were disobedient and showed the slightest sign of disrespect, such as empty threats like "I'll kill ya, Boss!" - as if they were capable of the act anyway. However, the threat he received just now was far from empty. The dead eyes that were locked onto his were far from the cowardly ones his minions possessed.

The crooked smile that carved itself on the young man's face was far from sane.


There was no doubt, Wellington thought, that this man in front of him was capable of murder. No, he must have already dirtied his hands with the blood of his so-called victims. Wellington broke into a cold sweat.

This boy could actually kill him.

"Are you not going to pick up?" Still in that wicked crescent shape, a mocking voice parted from Asher's lips.

Gulping, Wellington refocused his attention on the final few discordant hums. At the last minute, while still facing the phone's screen towards Asher, Wellington thumbed the 'Call' button.

"Hello? Hello, Asher?" A distressed voice transmitted across the line. With the phone on speaker mode, it echoed off the walls of the battered room, static humming in the background. "Oh my god, are you okay?! Are you hurt? Where are you?"

Finally - to Wellington's relief - Asher's manic grin relaxed into a small smile. "Ah, Y/N! I..." He looked up at Wellington, who mouthed a reply. "...I need your–"

"–Wait, first, are you in any danger at all?" In her anxiety, the girl failed to realise that she had interrupted him. "I'm at the hotel now and apparently there's a guy called Wellington Gray who came here. According to the counter lady, he broke into my room and made an absolute mess of it. With you not being here at the same time, I thought this guy did something to you, so..."


'Heh, so the bitch snitched after all.' The bespectacled man sneered. 'Did she think I was kidding when I said–'

"Is that so?" A low voice replied.

Wellington snapped his gaze to Asher, only to meet cold hazel irises, kindled by ire.

"Yeah! You...didn't happen to come across him, did you? Oh and that Boris guy! Where did you go with him? Is he with you right now? Did he do anything to you? God, what the hell happened?'"

"Hey, Y/N." Asher adopted a soothing tone, his expression softened. "Breathe, okay?" After hearing the sound of a slow inhale and exhale, he continued. "I need your help."

"O-Of course!"

He returned his attention to Wellington and read his lips. "You...need to come...to where I am."

"Okay, but where exactly are you? Are you safe?"

"I'll...explain everything then."

The line hummed while both parties stayed quiet. It stretched on for several minutes until she broke the silence.

"Wait, Ash..." The hesitant voice started slowly. "...why are you on speaker? You sound a bit echo-y. No, scratch that, you sound weird in general. What are you saying?"

'Heh, that's my girl.' Asher smirked to himself. It was just like his beautiful and intelligent Y/N to catch on rather quickly. He smugly quirked an eyebrow at his captor, whose jaw was clenched.

The final embers of Wellington's patience fizzled out. "Okay, that's it." He switched the phone off speaker mode and held it to his ear. "Y/N!" he boomed.

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