27 - Expeditious (Part 2)

782 57 45

Warning: Violence


Distant and echoic, a voice resonated from the far depths of the black chasm enclosing your form.

"...Y/N, you're safe now. They're not here anymore. It's just me..."

It grew louder. The voice was soft and gentle as it spoke slowly. Its words wrapped around your heart like a thick woollen blanket on a midwinter's night, holding you in a secure caress. Assuring you that, indeed, you were safe after...after...

...After what?

"...As long as I'm around, no one will dare hurt you again..."

From its relatively high pitch, it belonged to a little boy. And yet, it bore an uncanny maturity that no ordinary child could possess. Who was he? Certainly not Cyril, whose voice you would recognise from a mile away. No matter how hard you tried, you could not pin a face to it.

"...I'm here for you. No matter where or when, I'll be by your side. Always..."

You knew this person and you knew this voice. Surely. Nothing else would explain the intense warmth of familiarity that emblazoned in the deepest crevices of your soul. This boy was special to you, just as you were special to him.

So why couldn't you remember?


Another voice; one you could put a name to. The black started dissolving around the edges of your vision and formed a grey outline around the tubby man, who seemed to be hunched over by your side. You started regaining sensation in your limbs and the overall sense of your corporeal body existing once again. All across your back, and the back of your head, arms, knees and thighs, was a cold and flat surface. Were you lying on the floor?

The dark fog dissipated. Light burst through your pupils, which constricted as you raised an arm over your eyes. You rolled over to the side away from Bob, the movement eliciting sharp tingles within your muscles.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alive!" He blew out a sigh of relief.

"Can't afford to die just yet," you weakly chuckled.

Using both elbows, you lifted yourself to a sitting position and looked over at him. He was kneeling beside where your body was, face flushed and the space between his brows finally relaxing. Was he that worried for you? One corner of your lips curled up in a lop-sided grin, which he shakily returned.

"Can you stand up?"


You saw Bob offering his hand and went to politely decline it when you noticed what he was holding. Your beret. The slit on top was so wide now that it reached the thin fibrous hem on either side of the opening. One firm tug and it would rip apart into two halves.

Wincing, you gingerly took it and put it in your pocket. "Thank you."

He nodded. "We're in the last part of the hallway, I think. It's surprisingly bright in here, but at least we're not back there again."

You got to your feet and brushed off the dirt on your dress and coat. Then it hit you. "Did you carry me here?"

"As much as I could. Why? Do you need me to carry you again?"

"No, no! I'm good, thank you."

With that, the two of you resumed your walk, albeit at a much slower pace. Your arms hardly had enough energy to swing by your sides and your legs were as heavy as lead. The back of your throat tasted bitter. At least that noxious smell was gone, you mused while looking over your shoulder at the soul-consuming black. Instantly, you spun back around.

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