Wednesday, 17th April 2019

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“Hey sis” Josh says, welcoming me into his new apartment with a tight hug.

“I love you and all but I kind of cant breathe” I joke.

“Oh right yeah sorry, I've just missed you that's all” He apologises, releasing me from the hug and signalling for me to follow him into the living room where we both take a seat on the couch.

“I'm so happy for you and Freya bro, your own place together” I congratulate, proud that my big brother had managed to get a girl as wonderful as Freya Nightingale.

“Thanks Penelope, speaking of, Freya misses you loads she would love to see you” He explains, I missed her to.

Josh knows about the leukemia, he is my brother after all but, he promised to keep it all a secret.

“I miss her to” I sigh, looking down at my hands.

“It's gonna be okay” He says, rubbing my back as he picks up on my saddened tone and body language.

My heart ached for Joshua, in all of this mess I suppose I had the easy part in dying. Because I don't believe theres a pain worse than loosing someone, especially loosing someone before their time.

“I saw Harry the other day” I admit, desperate for advice.

“Do you know, about his girlfriend?” He hesitantly asked, not wanting to upset me further.

“Yeah she's beautiful” I say, begging to well up.

“Sure” He shrugs, “Doesn't make up for that hideous personality of hers” He states.

“Josh, I don't know what to do” I cry, collapsing into his shoulder.

“What do you mean?” He asks, wrapping his arms around me, strocking my hair soothingly like he did when we were children and I would have major panick attacks.

“I messed up” I sigh, “I don't know how to fix it, or if I even should” I try to explain.

“I'm going to need more details than to help” Josh reasons, trying to coax the truth out of me.

“I had sex with freezy” I blurt out, and suddleny the stroking of my hair stopped and the comforting arm left my shoulder.

I sit up, turning to face my brother. I expected him to look mad disappointed even, but he didnt, he looked more confused than anything.

“Oh Penny, why would do that?” He asks, his brows furrowed, as he found himself perplexed.

“I had just found out that Haz had moved on with some gorgeous looking blonde and so I got drunk, ended bumping into Cal at a club and thinks just escalated from there I guess” I say, rubbing my arm in shame. “We were both so drunk, it was all just one big hot mess of a mistake” I explain in a panic.

“Shh” Josh cooed, pulling me into a brotherly hug. “You don't ever have to explain yourself to me sis, I won't judge you I'm your brother and I just want to help you” He explains, soothing me.

“That's not the worst part” I state, “Harry caught me leaving Cals room the morning after” I explain, tears prickling the corners of my eyes.

“fuck, what did he say?” He asks.

“Nothing important” I shrug him off, not wanting to cause any more drama with Harry's confession, “And then I left” I say, finishing the embarrassing story.

“I hate to see you upset Penny, how about we spend today just me and you watching Netflix whilst eating junk food” Josh proposes, I feel my eyes light up as I sit up nodding my head frantically.

“Perfect” I respond.

A Little More Time ~WROETOSHAW FF~Where stories live. Discover now