Thursday 24th April 2019

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Penelope and Harry

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Penelope and Harry

"You lied to me" Harry says, his words laced with bitterness and rightly so, Penelope had lied, more than once.

Although she only ever lied to protect him, because she was so certain she knew what was best for him. In reality, wich she had found herself far away from, what was best for Harry was her.

"I know" She sighed, desperately wanting to defend her sudden absence from the boys life only to realise her reasons just wernt good enough to be argued.

"You said we would grow old together" He says, she chuckled slightly, regretting it instantly but the memory was just so painfully ironic considering he didn't know her circumstances and how her staying wouldnt have changed that statement being a lie.

Laughing was her coping mechanism, Harry knew this, so he didn't question her laughing and she was thankful for it.

"I said a lot of things back then, I was young and stupid, no one said it would be that hard" She explains, her hands running through the sand they were sat on. "Are you happy?" She blurts out, almost as if she had accidently revealed her thoughts.

He was taken back by the question, knowing it was a yes or no questions but his answers wasn't a simple yes or no it was long and complicated. Something that couldn't be answered by one word.

"Yes" He lied, "I have an amazing job, the sidemen are doing great and-" "He stops himself, but Penelope had already guessed what he was going to say and hated that he thought he had to hide his happiness with his new girlfriend from her.

They were friends once, before they dated and they would always talk about things like this. She hated how far from the start they where, and she would have killed for normality.

"You can say it" She tells him, and it may have been a simple string of words but, for a girl like her it took a lot of courage to say.

"and I have Hannah" He admits, and it was true, he was happy with her.

Hannah was there for him when he was struggling after his usual support system had abandoned him, Hannah undoubtedly was there for him.

Sure she had her flaws, she was bossy, and obssessivley controlling along with being overly possessive of Harry. He didn't mind it though, her possessiveness over him is was what attracted him to her in the first place, it meant she wasn't going to leave him like Penny did. The sidemen and his other friends however, had found it impossible to click with Hannah as they had previously done so effortlessly with Penelope in the past. Harry once again didn't care, he didn't need his friends to like her, he just needed someone to stay.

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