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I felt empty, cold. The typical cold, depressing weather of Washington was back and it seemed to set inside my mood. I shivered in my bed, wanting to get up and start the day but, I just wanted to stay in bed and cry. My body felt horrible, the aches got worse and my head was pounding. It felt like my brain was bouncing against my skull. My bones felt stiff and when I woke up, I was sweating but, I was cold.

"Reagan!" I slowly sat up in bed, clutching my head as Jennifer came sauntering in, slamming my bedroom door, making me wince out in pain. "Get up!" She urges, making my head feel like it was going to explode at any moment. Jennifer, dare I say, wasn't the most perceptive person in the world.

"I just need a minute," I mumble, rubbing my forehead, trying to relieve the pain.

"Reagan, get the hell up. I have to tell you about my day." I squint my eyes, looking out my bedroom window.

"It's like seven in the morning and there's no fucking school today." I groan, making my throat ache. "Couldn't you have just texted me?" I scan the room, noticing how she caused my trophies to shift, that's how hard she slammed my door.

"I know you're upset about Scott." She crosses her arms. "But, this is so much better than that blonde pretty boy. Reagan, you can do so much better, honey."

I flick the blankets off me, my blood boiling at her statement. "I'm going to brush my teeth." I nod at her, stumbling into my connected bathroom. The cold white tile against my feet made me jolt slightly, causing me to shiver even though I no longer felt cold.

"So, guess where Paul took me." Jen expected me to answer when I had a toothbrush with toothpaste shoved into my mouth. She realized I wasn't going to answer, "He took me to the beach," I see her shiver and roll her eyes dramatically in the bathroom mirror. "The fucking beach of all places!" She rants, her arms crossed as she leaned against the bathroom door frame.

I spit out the almost overflowing toothpaste foam, "At least he didn't take you to a strip club," I point out, grabbing a bottle of mouth wash that was placed on the corner of the counter.

"You know that I absolutely despise beaches!" She uses excessive arm movements to prove her point. "The sand getting in your clothes, the salt water messing up your hair, the fish." She groans, probably reliving the memory. "I hate the outdoors." I couldn't understand why anyone could hate the outdoors or the beach.

The beach was so soothing, the calm but rapid waters could make anyone feel at peace. I especially loved the contrast of the dark blue water and the light beige sand. The water was so mysterious and the rapid, angry waters clashed but beautifully contrasted with the soft, peaceful sand.

The forest near my house was one of the most breathtaking scenery I have ever scene. The tall trees making the ground below have random light spots. The illuminated spots always were set on something unexpected. Whenever I walked in the woods coming home from school, deer would be eating the bright green grass in the middle of a beautifully lit clearing. That was only in the summer, the rain tended to drive away the peaceful animals. The rain brought out the wolves and the bears as Sam told me. I think he just told me that so I would stop walking alone. Now, Embry or Jake would always be here at eight in the morning to pick me up.

I pour about a cup of the minty liquid into the cap of the bottle, taking it all in, swishing it around as Jennifer talked.

"Well, he didn't seem to mind about my complaining." She shrugs as I continue to swish around the liquid in my mouth. "He should start doing more stuff that I like, you know what they say, happy girlfriend, happy life." I spit out the mouthwash, coughing in panic. My stomach felt even more queasy and my head began to spin.

"G-girlfriend?" I manage to get out in between coughs. Jen looked at me as if I was crazy. With these horrible aches and pains, I was beginning to think I was.

"Yes! I know right?!" She stood there, a huge smile on her face as I felt my world come crashing down for what felt like the second time in two weeks. "I asked him but he hesitated," She shrugged, not noticing my change in demeanor. "I think it was just because of the shock, I mean I would totally be shocked if he asked me. I wouldn't be surprised, I'd just be shocked at how long he waited to ask me. So, I did it and now I'm not a lonely single person like you." She grins at me as I wipe my mouth with my favorite blue towel, annoyed with her insensitive behavior.

"A lonely single person like me is doing fine," I frown slightly, grabbing onto the door of the bathroom. I run my hand over my forehead, thinking that it would clear my thoughts. "This lonely single person needs a shower. Don't let the door hit you on the way out." I shut the door in a protesting Jen's face, making my lips curl into a small smirk.

Storm ☾ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now