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"Can you explain to me why we're even going to this thing?" I pick at my nails, a bored expression on my face as I sat in the backseat of Quill's red pick up truck. "It's going to be boring anyway."

"We're just going for Jake," Embry noted, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Can't he just leave her alone, my tolerance for Bella is wearing thin." I sigh, leaning back into the seat. I never really cared for Bella. She'd always make everything about her and that just irks me. She's not the type that I would be friends with but, Jennifer was coincidently like her. And I was friends with her for about eight years. You never truly know who your friends are.

"As his best friends, we need to support him, even though his decisions aren't always the best." Quil chimes in from the passenger seat.

"It still smells like McDonald's in here." I grimace as Embry flicks on the ignition, making the truck spur to life.

The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle and my lungs feel like mush. The bass thumped in time with my heartbeat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. I liked this song. 
Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. I couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in my ears and wouldn't seem to stop. The song that was playing got louder, pulling me in and wouldn't let go. I had no choice but to join the crowd, jumping in a huddled group like Tic-Tacs being shaken in a box.

I knew that we were supposed to be scouting for Jake but, the music was exhilarating. It made me forget, only for just a moment, whose house I was in.

The mere smell of the cold-skinned beings made my heart leap and my nose wrinkle. It wasn't the most ideal way to have fun but, I enjoyed it nonetheless.

"Jake!" My eyes snap to two figures, walking off together in a hurry. My eyebrows raise in suspicion, wanting to know where the two were off too.

I shoved the crowd of sweaty bodies, grimacing as they touched me. As I turned a corner, Bella and Jake caught my eye, making me stop in my tracks, leaning against the wall. I watched as Jake pulled out something silver from his pocket, holding it up to show Bella. I squinted my eyes, realizing that it was a wolf howling.

I pushed myself off the wall, done with eavesdropping on the conversation. It wasn't getting anywhere. Bella would have looked more ecstatic watching paint dry or grass grow.

I turned and walked off, the techno music getting more painstakingly loud as I walked towards the living room, something catches my eye from outside. The walls made of windows didn't really help the privacy situation.

"Hello?" And then there was darkness. Darkness suffocating my body like a damp, musty, thick blanket, clinging to every inch of my pale skin. As I walked further into the woods, the wind picked up ever so slowly, making me clutch my arms. I wasn't cold it was just uncomfortable to have your arms and legs bare and wind hitting them mercilessly.

"Well, well." A voice in the distance chimed out, smoothly. "If it isn't my baby girl." The voice continued, this time much closer.

I noticed a figure step out of the shadows, a smirk permanently etched onto his face.

"Why the hell are you here?" I snap, standing my ground.

"The real question is," He whisked over, appearing in front of me in less than a second. I blinked and he was there, inches away from my face. "Why the hell are you here?" He turns the question onto me, making me growl in frustration. "Admit it," He demands, his cold hand caressing my cheek, causing me to step backward.

"Admit what?" I bite my lip in an attempt to be calm.

"You're drawn to me." His smirk returned, the expression making me want to punch it off. "You know that we're meant to be together. Just admit it, baby girl."

"You're actually psychotic." I spit at him, going to turn around. Once again, I blink and he's in front of me.

"Psychotic?" He questions, looking as if he was actually thinking about the insult. "No, no." he shakes his head. "Just in love," He reaches for my hair, taunting me.

"Leave me the hell alone," I warn, my patience wearing thin. He was starting to make me angry and no one was here to stop it. Maybe that was a good thing.

"You're the one who's always coming out here to talk to me, you're the one initiating this." He shrugs, putting the blame on me.

"Why are you always here when I'm out by myself, huh?" I question, challenging him. "You got a death wish or something?" I growl, his eyes widened as he studied my face. "Answer the damn question, bitch." I noticed his eyes were crimson, I was never this close to him.

He shakes his head, scoffing. "This won't be the last time we see each other." He grins slightly, "I can't wait to see the look on your face when I shatter Paul's bones with one hand." And then he was off leaving me to process his words.

"So, Bella has this crazy stalker vampire stalking her?" I was leaned up against the window outside, listening to Carlisle who was explaining the situation to Embry, Jake, Quil and I. Why was this one human girl so needy and desperate.

"They'll be here in four days," A girl with a pixie cut informed us, making me squirm slightly.

"This could turn into a bloodbath," Carlisle shifted his weight.

"Who's behind it?" Edward questioned from his spot beside Bella. I swear, they were never two inches away from each other.

"I couldn't see anyone I recognized, well," She paused, looking at the long-haired man beside her. "One,"

"He's local," Edward spoke up. "Riley Biers. He didn't start it." He looked unsure.

"What the hell does this mean?" Jacob questioned, his voice urgent.

"Bella's not safe," Edward looked over at me. "Neither is Reagan." My eyes widened, looking around at all the yellow eyes that stared at me. God, they were creepy.

"We could double up on patrols," Jacob added, completely ignoring the bomb that was just dropped.

"Then it's settled." Carlisle nodded, looking over at all of us wolves. 

Storm ☾ Paul LahoteΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα